How should I start? Or just leave?
This question has been confusing me now.
It's a long time since I've written single poetry, or a story even just a thought. And of course, I did miss all of your write-ups and especially talking with my friends here. But I was and is on the verge of doubts.
I used to check this rarely. And I saw my friends asked where I've been. So here I am sharing why I am not active here.
P.S: I don't know why I'm sharing and what do you have to do with it. But I thought, there are people who want it to know they aren't alone.
Also, it may get lengthy, read it at your own risk.
Brief intro on me to not to get confused: I'm a girl who was preparing for exams, who was living in her dream world (as they all say), and a thoughtful person. Need nothing just to get worried.
Things all started in the middle of this lockdown. I wasn't having that much discomfort without interacting with others since I'm an introverted extrovert. It's the time I took writing seriously and made it my passion. Things all were going...