

There was once a girl by the name of pallavi. She likes to sing and would normally sings and one day she was watering her plant in her yard and was singing and a boy by the name of Raghav was passing by with his bike and he could heard her singing, he stops his bike and started listening to her song and was amazed by her lovely voice. He immediately fell in love with her voice. Everyday he would normally goes at the same time at a corner and would listen to her singing, but he never saw her face. But one day he went and waited for her to sing but he didn't heard her that day, he waited and waited but she hadn't sing. He was wondering as to why she didn't sing today, so he goes home and was just thinking abt her, wondering if she is ok or not. In the morning he decided to go and see if he could meet her and he could atleast got to see her and tell her how beautiful she sings. He went and he knocked at the door and her mom had open the door and raghav tells her about the girl who was singing and she said it's her daughter. Raghav then ask if he could meet her and her mom said yah sure. They are really friendly people. Her mom tell Raghav where she is and Raghav goes in the backyard and saw her sitting as she was listening to music and Raghav calls out to her, he said hello Mrs singer and he was nervous as he never really talked to a girl whom he never saw and she turned around and saw him. He then goes up and they introduce themselves and he tell her how nice she sing and so on. He says that why didn't u sing yesterday, I taught ur not ok or something. She smiled as she says I saw that everyday u will come at the time when I'm singing and leave when I'm finish but I wasn't sure if u would be there to heard me singing so I decided to not sing for that day and that's when I knew ur listening to my song. They then talked for a while and then her mom comes with 2 glass and tell raghav that pallavi would normally talk Abt that guy who is outside and wanted to no what's he doing here bcuz Everytime at when she is watering plant she would normally see Raghav there. Then Raghav said that pallavi song is Assam n he love it as her voice is sweet. As time goes they became friends and they got to no Abt each other n so on. It was said that Raghav is an orphan as his parents have died when he was abt 13 but is very hardworking and is very friendly and is a quiet person while pallavi lives with her mother and is friendly person also, they could see that they have many things in common and their relationship grew stronger and pallavi mom notice it and she ask pallavi if she love him and she say yah but she don't no if he loves her. Her mom tell her to tell raghav but she was afraid as he might broke their friendship if he didn't love her. So Raghav come over one day as pallavi mom invited him for lunch and at the table, pallavi mom was showing her a sign so that she could atleast ask raghav what he thinks about her. She doesn't like to see pallavi sad. And raghav sees that pallavi wants to say something and he ask her what's the matter but she says ntng and they continue to eat. Raghav was about to leave but he stopped and looked back and saw pallavi looking at him, he then looked and saw pallavi mom going inside. He goes up to pallavi and took out a ring from his pocket as he kneeled down and tell pallavi that he loves her as he bend his head down. Pallavi was surprised and she hold him and he get up, she ask why did u bend ur head and he said that he wanted to tell this to her a while ago as whenever he is with her he feels better and would like to be with her. He then said that you and ur mom made me feel welcome in ur family and if I propose you then that's gonna look bad as he bend his head down again. Pallavi mom came out and said no need to bend ur head it's nothing bad , u just say what u feel and what's in ur heart. They continue to talk and pallavi mom tells him that even pallavi love u but is afraid to tell u as she was scared ur friendship will break. All 3 of them was happy and raghav then lift pallavi with joy but her mom says eh hem and he put her down as he scratched his head.
One month later their wedding happened and everyone was happy. Pallavi eyes had tears as she was to leave her mother and goes to Raghav house, she was never separate from her mother and she hugged her mother and she then holds Raghav hand as was about to leave but her mother ask them to stay with her and that it doesn't have to be a wife have to go to his husband house and raghav smiled and says that as u say we will stay here as he called her mom. He said that u made me remember my mother whenever I saw u and if it was my mother to day that then I would have listen to her. Raghav then smiled and said we will stay here And all of them was happy.


btw I don't know if the name suit the story but I actually don't have a name for it 😝

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