

Untold story... (lily)
once in a little town there lived a little girl named lily she was innocent n acquitted, she was simple in her way.Morever,She had hardly talked to a stranger n doing so usually made her feel akward.One night she dreamt about a boy who was so charmful with deep ocean eyes , asthetic look, smooth black hair, rose lips and a sweet n charming voice, the dream about the boy continued for years and she was used to this dream and her day became beautiful with the thought of him . She imagined a world which was beautiful , glorious and quite interesting, she named her boy in dreams as her 'Dream boy' and had her gossips with him in an imaginary beautiful world.People around her thinked that she had gone mad and they began to humilate her and criticize her , but at the same time she tolerated everything , she believed herself that she was going through such things in real sense . Her patience helped her to live on this unkind world and to face such things.One day walking alone through the path, observing and feeling the breeze , the shedding of redish brown colured leaves of chinar, birds chirping around sky , clouds roaming and the silence around, looking over the sky n asking God why was such things happening to her, was she mad really? .... etc
While Continuing the journey her eyes closed by the smoke created by the burning dry leaves of chinar may be the people nearby,she wraped herself and moved along, while unwraping ,her eyes felt on the beautiful creature of God, who told "oh unkown lady leave a side ahead and let me find my destiny...." she uttered "eee...the voice, it's the voice..iiii...i.."that was a dream to her, the same soothing voice,same look, same ocean eyes, same charm, that she usually had in her dream. This all fascinated her and she continued to look at him., meanwhile the boy began to move on his path n she runned after him crying and calling him "Dream boy, oh dream boy, plzz stop don't astray me, tell the world you have come for me,i am your destiny please have a glance at me n let the world know m not mad and you have come to meet me ".. The boy didn't stop and girl began to cry why was that happening to her ? she began to ask herself, crying to her god and felll on the path and every thing continued as such , the reddish brown chinar leaves, the chriping birds, the roaming clouds and pleasent cool breeze.........................