

A story my mother told me
A man had a dog whom he loved very much who also loved him as well.
His wife newly gave birth to a beautiful baby girl whom he loved so much.
One day he laid his beautiful daughter on her cot and went to quickly pick up something from a store nearby leaving his door unlocked.
When he returned back, his dog upon seeing him ran towards him joyfully wagging it's tail.
"Oh my God! why are you stained with blood?" the man exclaimed.
suddenly he said "wait, don't tell me you entered into my room! he shouted angrily. when he moved closer and found the door open with drops of blood all over he cried out loudly "you've eaten my daughter! as he was still perplexed and vibrating in anger, his eyes caught a matchet laying on the floor. Before anyone knew it, he picked it up and chopped off the dog's head.
He left the dog in the pool of it's blood and stormed into his room only to take a close look at his daughter and discovered that she was sleeping peacefully.
He looked underneath the baby's cot and found a dead snake covered in blood.
"the dog must have risked it's life to save my daughter he thought" but it was too late .....
What did you learn from this story?
© Favour O. Agabi