

Charlie, the mysterious man
Alex a 13year old nature boy.
He was called a nature boy because he loves nature, lying in nature's lap. in the age of 8 he started to capture insect and after he read about them .
He is now a insect genius.
One day he goes to the forest for capturing some rare beetles “stop! weather report say that it will rain in half an hour. ”said his mom
“but mom I will try to come before rain ”said Alex
Then it's started raining then
was going home slipped in the cliff .and got a little wound and got slept there only
His eyes open a little and saw there was a cucumber shaped grey man with white moustache but was blur he thought it was a dream so he slept again but after when he got up he thought it was a dream .
Next day....
He return to the forest and to his horror there was a big footprint like the mysterious creature. But he put it as a secret