

The "White Horse and its Trainer "
The "White Horse and its Trainer "

Yes it's a stable, not many horses stays here, only one white horse got its place like a queen. Amazing looks, wrapped in white skin, in between two shy eyes peeps out from the stable to get a glance of its master. A cottage is seen, decorated and surrounded by bamboo fence. A small pond just next to the cottage, and the sun played its trickery but the pond glitters even in the scorching heat.
Long greenery ground filled with green grasses, welcomed those uninvited light breeze that changed its direction to sway.
The white horse neighed in hunger, that sound reached to the cottage and hit the ears of its trainer. Robin woke up fast, got ready and reached there with a bucket of food consisting with hay, brans and grasses and a bucket of water. It nodded its white silky ears and head as a gesture of happiness and chewing the food . Robin smoking and thinking about the last night fight with his wife, who stays in the main street with two children. Last night Robin went to meet his family but his seldom visit and irresponsibility create a brawl there. He flounced out from there and after reaching cottage drank a bottle of wine and slept. The white horse has a name given by its trainer Robin and it's "Dazzle", his one and only favorite. Robin came to his cottage after one hour he will take 'dazzle' the white horse out for a small tour before evening takes its place. After a quick lunch with soup ,bread and bacon, he took shower, clock whistled at sharp 4 PM. Robin took his favorite horse 'dazzle' out from the stable, and 'dazzle' the beautiful white horse took a position to run, his trainer ready to ride, breezy weather, sun spreads its wings so far before it gets disappeared.... Robin took a tour of the whole ground with its 'dazzle' white horse... and to check its fitness. This view from outside looked so marvelous, no one can keep their eyes away from the view, Robin never give a chance to feel that he's giving training and checking dazzle's fitness but the view was looking totally different from outside just like a cowboy he was riding his white horse with grace and strong grip on the strap and the beautiful white skin horse running with speed seems like a fairy tale story. Evening appeared slowly with its darkness and the moon accompanied as a path of guidance. The white horse after a wonderful day tour went back to the stable and trainer 'Robin' returned to his cottage. Next day Sun appeared on time, birds started to chirping but somehow between stable and the cottage silence was existed. Robin woke up again late today and was looking outside from his window ,
today he didn't hear any sound from the stable, his dearest friend 'dazzle' was silent today , he scared and ran away to the stable , saw white horse laid down on the floor... and unable to stand , felt sad and understood the reason. 'Dazzle' is everything to him, her appearance makes his day, but today after watching dazzle's condition Robin burst into tears and felt helplessness. The white horse whined in pain and tears rolling down from its eyes. Robin immediately ran towards his cottage heated a pan with water and took a soft cotton pad and started to give light compress on dazzle's wounded leg. The white horse suddenly gave a jerk then gradually that light heated pad reduce its pain. Robin had some medicines stored for its treatment but the stock was not enough, he again ran into his cottage and search madly the medicine box, but he couldn't remember because he always indulged into drinking. He screamed in fear and bang on the wall with head and hand. Suddenly he saw a box wrapped with poly thin bag near the dressing table in the last drawer. He took out the bag and got the one last medicine , happy tears in his eyes. Robin sat and continuously giving hot compress on dazzle's leg (the white horse). He tried to open its mouth so that the medicine works immediately but due to her weakness 'dazzle' unable to open its mouth. Robin arranged some grasses but the horse didn't touch that also. Nighttime, Robin felt depressed and helplessness, the white horse started to scream again and again this time he didn't know what to do... he was very much depressed and out of patience and his feet touched something unconsciously and he kicked it lightly. Robin heard white horse 'dazzle' making sound again and drank something, he understood it's the bucket of water and suddenly an idea strike in his mind he took out medicines and broke into pieces, diluted in that drinking water, dazzle drank it without notice. Next morning the white horse back to her strength, and saw its trainer 'Robin' laid down on the floor. Dazzle neighed many times in its usual manner but Robin didn't reply. Robin was not in good condition, he was unconsciously laid down in the stable with high fever, his family was not aware about his condition. The white horse break the fence and run towards the main road to inform his trainer's condition to his family members. The horse eyes filled with tears and it was running fast towards the home of its trainer before anything wrong happened, it knocked the door with its head, no response, repeatedly the horse 'dazzle' bang on the door and blood coming out from its head. Door opened his wife came out, she understood when she didn't see his husband. She followed the horse and reached the stable on time, where Robin shivering in cold and with high fever, she took him that nearest cottage and called the doctor. The doctor arrived on time and prescribed him some medicines and her wife without wasting time bought the prescribed medicines and after two days Robin gradually felt better and urge for forgiveness to his wife. She smiled and told Robin about our dazzle's great work, how the white horse saved his husband Robin's life shockingly. Robin's wife started to love 'Dazzle' and realized her mistakes. Robin hugged 'dazzle' to show his unconditional love and then robin and his wife decided to live togather in that cottage permanently and took the oath never leave 'dazzle' the beautiful white horse alone till their last breath.
