

Heartbeat: Chapter two
After four months:

"Thea, hurry up! We're getting late!" I hear my mom calling me from downstairs.

"I'm done mom! Just a minute." I reply and put on my white sneakers.

I climb downstairs to see my parents pacing around the living hall.

"Hey!" I greet them.

"Hello sweetheart. How are you doing?" My father asks warmly as he hugs me.

"I'm fine dad." I hug him back.

"Sweetie, we're getting late. Let's go." my mom urges and goes out.

"Let's go dad." I say firmly. My dad sniffles and pulls away.

Why is he crying?

"Dad? Why are you crying? Look at me! I'm fully fit." I smile at him and rub his tears.

"I love you sweetie." he kisses my forehead and wraps one arm around my shoulders and we move out.

"I love you too dad."


We reach the hospital within half an hour.

"Ready?" my mom asks me nervously and I nod. She puts her palm on my cheek and kisses my forehead.
"It's gonna be fine. You're gonna be fine." she whispers and looks at me with tearful eyes.

"Mom..." I hug her and she cries harder.
"Promise me that you'll not leave us behind." she weeps.
"I promise." I whisper.

We both know that I cannot keep the promise.

"Theadora Smith!" the nurse calls.

"Mom, we need to go in." I break the hug and rub her tears. "Let's go." I whisper and hold her hand.

My mom, dad and I get in the doctor's cabin.

"Thea! How are you doing?" Dr. Peterson asks.

"I'm good, thank you." I smile at him and take a seat.

"I'm sorry Thea." he says softly making me furrow my eyebrows.

"What is it John?" my father asks leaning forward.

"Well... I don't think that she has much time ahead." Dr. Peterson replies, taking a deep breath.

"Wh- what?" I stammer looking at the doctor with wide eyes. "But, you said that I'm recovering right?" I feel a lump in my throat.

"Yes, but after we did your CT angiogram last week, we saw that your blood vessels have become very narrow. The medications will keep you well but your blood vessels cannot be cured. I've already given you a medicine which makes the blood thinner. That will make the blood easier to pass through the blood vessels." He states.

"Is there no other way?" my mom asks with a cracking voice. Dr. Peterson shakes his head disappointedly and looks down.

I bite my bottom lip to avoid crying.

Why can't I just live normally like others?

"You promised." she weeps and keeps her head on my shoulder. "You promised that you'll not leave us Thea." she cries. Hot tears stroll down my face as I hear her words. "I'm sorry, I can't keep the promise mom." I whisper as I weep.

"How much time does she have John?" My dad asks sorrowfully.

I look at Dr. Peterson.
"That depends upon her body. How much her heart can take. But her condition is getting worse day by day. I mean her blood vessels are getting narrower." he whispers with closed eyes making me gasp.

"No..." dad denies and shakes his head with disbelief. He looks at me. "My princess." He closes his eyes and runs his hand through his hair.

I take a deep breath and wipe off my tears. "I wanna enjoy these days or maybe months." I smile.

"You will." My mom kisses my cheek and gets up. "Let's go home sweetie, you need some rest." she rubs her tears.

"Thea! I'm so sorry." Dr. Peterson apologizes.

"It's not your fault. Please don't be sorry." I smile and exit the room.

(I hope you liked my story. Do follow me on Wattpad @rain__droppsss and I am also on Instagram as @muriel_jamesw ❤️❤️)

© Muriel