

We think..that life is...just a prelude..to..death... We read...a lot..do we???
The truth comes in her rhetoric… When I...read Dante...I feel...mortal...and...mythological...
To kindle..in me that fire of Prometheus...for...eternity... And I want...to pass...through his...divine...comedy...but without, I'm afraid... And for how many...times...has...described them...and..endows me...with wisdom....and reality...Hope...everyone here...leave. ... Here...there is no..Pandori..., only...the spiral...of life... That's why it's called...divine...
His...comedy...is our..soul...and we wait 9...months...to be born...to breathe...to be...thick...and... garlic... My heart...is breaking...and..there is..no panacea...
Dante...is...fountain...of life...who knows...tomorrow...who will you be???
The murderer, the miser... the sloth...
But waiting for you...order...and...right...to..wisdom...
We don't choose when to live, but the ages are behind us...and..we walk..not knowing that we can...yes, go back... There he waits for us... Dante... Boccaccio.... Petracca...
Oh god...the truth doesn't thrive...among snobs...
© Saraswaty-Lilith