

Life Of Me
I have always lived in a big sity, but now living on a quiet and peaceful place is just different from that. I rarely see cars pass by and people walking but I kind of like that. I mean yah it does get kind of lonely out here but at least I have family that comes and visits me once and a while, I do like living out here but there is a lot of work to do here, like chores and things like that. I have a job, just so you know. I work at a grocery store that is not that far away from my house but it does take a while to get there. I don't have that many friend here but I do have this one person that I know, her name is Hannah. She is a very kind person that I get to hang out with when I'm working. She does live in the sity so it makes it hard to spend time with here. I don't really know that much about her but I do now that she has adopted a kid and his name is Michele. He is also a very nice little boy. He is only three years old. the reason I am telling you all of this stuff is because this is all about her the girl named Hannah. I want to become really good friends with her, I want to hangout with and go do fun thing but I don't even now if she even wants me to be her friend. I mean if you were to see me you wouldn't. My body... I was born different. I always feel like my head is were my knees are and my nose is were my feet are. Not really but I feel like that. I walk different and I write different. "It's not that bad... is it? " I say to my self all the time, just wondering.

Part two soon.
L. M.
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