

The Girl And "Help"
There once was a girl who was walking in the park
On a warm summer evening in the middle of May
The flowers started blooming around her, but her, herself felt anything but blooming
Something had happened
Something bad, but nobody had even the courtesy to tell her
Nobody spoke to her after everything came out

Her mom, who had been a famous influencer, refused to even speak with her after it was revealed
What was revealed? You might ask
Not even she knew
She had no idea who spilled it, where it came from or what she did

Her friends at school ignored her
Called her a useless waste of a human
And she hadn't the slightest idea why
It frustrated her, but she felt like she didn't even have the right to be mad
She thought that whatever she did must have been so painful that no one would care anyway

So here the girl was, at the park in the middle of May
She didn't even like the park
She thought of it as noisy and too social of a place to hang out in
But the park seemed a lot more quiet once she was lost in her thoughts.
She was surrounded by nature
The beautiful oak trees artificially planted into the park for the natural feeling surrounded her sorrow body
She didn't even like nature
She never liked the trees
She had never thought of them at all in her life until this moment.

She continued walking until she found a bench in the middle of the trail
Deciding that she should sit, she looked around her but there was no one
So she sat
She stared up at the leaves that were slowly begininng to grow and once again they were going to cover the sunlight

The girl pondered, wondering what she did that was so bad
No one would talk to her, it must have been the worst possible thing.

But she had no clue what she had done
For she wouldn't even receive a word
Just stares in the hallway and in the neighborhood
No one was there for the girl
However, in a moment there would
When the trees rustled and the bushes too
A small dog barked in the distance
But the girl put her head down and paid no attention

"I thought people look up when they hear a dog bark"
The girl muttered to herself "I don't care for the dog"
The man perked up, overhearing her
The trembling and hoarseness of her voice shocked him
And he stood in front of her
"What was that?"
He asked, pretending as if he hadn't heard
The girl snuck a glance at the boy

He was a handsome young man, looked quiet
But also loud when he wanted to be
He looked at her with curiosity
Like a little mouse
But she pretended to pay no attention to him as well
"Are you okay?"
He finally said
She looked up more and this time she made contact
She quickly looked back down, flustered but scared
What was he here for? Why did he care?
The man kept his distance, looked down at his dog and sighed
"Do you want to come with me and Sparks for a walk?"
The girl was confused
"That's a little weird to ask"
"What is?"
The boy paused for a moment, "so, do you want to go?"
The girl agreed and sat up from the bench
Brushing off the dust and wiping the tears off her face she joined the guy and his dog for a small jog.

"I know it might be a little weird for me to be asking you that so suddenly. I'm surprised you agreed"
"Well, you're the only one who would talk to me"
"How come?"
"I don't even know"
The girl replied
The boy seemed perplexed but then a sparkle lit in his eye
"Well, whenever you need something, just let me know"
He paused for a second
"I'll be there. Always"
"Really? Always?"
"Yes, always. Promise"
And so the walk was concluded and the sun was starting to set.
The girl waved goodbye and the boy had left

She had lost that glimpse of hope long ago
But somehow it lit a fire inside
As she walked she remembered their last conversation

"What is your name?"
The boy stopped, "I can't tell you that unfortunately"
"Wow, you know that really supports the whole stalke, kidnapper theory I have"
"I know. But I can't tell you"
"Then I won't tell you mine either."
The girl stood across from the handsome young boy
"Thank you."
She finally said. The boy looked confused
"If you won't tell me your name. I'll name you Help."
"Help? Why Help?"
"Because you helped me today"
"Okay, then I shall name you beautiful."
"Beautiful, seriously?"
She girl chuckled
"Yes, it's true."

After that, the girl could think of no one else
Even when others scowled and whispered in the halls the next day
Even when she was alone she thought of him
How considerate he was to lend her a hand
And help her before she wanted to meet her end

Moral of the story is to help others
Even though you don't know what people are going through
Help them
Be the "help" they need to keep going
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