

To the deep down to the Heart
She was crying out loud, silently in her heart, She was too much for everyone, who has not known her worth. She was a warrior herself, fighting the battle in her mind, throughout her life.
But she was never poor, when it comes to spreading love. Her love was too much, for the people who pointed her out as low self esteemed and over self respected woman. But never ever they thought about her life in her point of vision.
Yes a strong woman too breaks, even she feels insecure and inferior about herself, when she is not valued and respected. But it's just a phase of her battle. She regains her strength. She will never give up on herself by never losing hope. The beauty of such kinds of woman is She sees positivity in everything and everyone. That's why she will adapt and flow like water in every person's life, by not expecting a person's thoughts to vibe as same as hers. She respects the difference in opinions and nature. That's why she accepts more and expect less.
She will always be a kind of woman with whom everyone wants to be with. Her jovial nature may irritate a person but never hurt the feelings.
Yes she may cry over little things, yet she fights over harsh situations too. A strong woman's nature is itself her beauty.
Pallavi Bhat