

2 Weeks of Running
We all accept our health is important. It's the basis for all we can enjoy in our lives. And whilst there is an immediate connection to our physical bodies, regular exercise of any kind can be highly beneficial for the health of our mind and spirit too.

I created a website which is not just for me, it's for everyone to come together and contribute their learnings from life. No one person can give us a solution to all the difficulties we may face, but together we will surely have the solutions to the majority. That's not to say someone's solution will work for us all, but it may work for most which is a pretty wonderful result.

One of the posts called 5 Ways to Start your Day Well includes some form of activity first thing in the morning to awaken our happy hormones, and I felt I did not practice this enough.

During lockdown I continue to work as usual but I was always sitting in front of a computer for long hours and snacking. I didn't feel my best. My energy levels were low. My stress levels not maintained. Something needed to change. I needed to organise my routine.

I spoke to my good friend about the changes I wanted to make. This friend suggested the Couch to 5K programme which is designed to get non-runners fit enough to run for 5 kilometres / 30 minutes without stopping, in 9 weeks. I decided to give this a try so every day for the last 2 weeks I have been waking up at 6am to go running.

The first few days were hard but I managed them. I never tried to push myself too much. I knew by over exerting I would have little energy left to finish the session, let alone the rest of the day.

By the 7th day of the first week, the running session felt easy and I was so proud that I managed to complete 1 full week.
I carried on and into week 2. It was harder and the running periods are longer but just like week 1, the further into the week I got, the easier the running time became. I am on day 6 now and tomorrow is the last day of week 2.

My biggest lesson has been to persist. It is very much like my quote which I use as the image for this story.

Our physical health can improve. As we become better, we challenge ourselves and it gets harder but only for a while. If we keep going, we grow and become stronger and fitter to do more. We raise our foundation and work towards higher goals.

From the last 2 weeks here are some of the initial benefits I have been able to enjoy:
1. I feel happier
2. I am able to focus more
3. I sleep better
4. I eat better
5. I achieve more at work
6. I have more confidence
7. I feel more positive
8. I laugh more
9. I feel more relaxed
10. I feel stronger

It doesn't matter what activity we choose to do but we should mindfully introduce better habits that feed the mind, body and spirit. Perhaps the soul too.

My journey continues...

#personaldevelopment #selfaware #running #growthfromtheinsideout #couchto5k #week2 #vlog #positiveenergy #confidence #growth #persistence #Healthymind #healthyself #mindset #Body #soul #spirituality #mindfulness #journeyoflife #Happiness #reallife #truestory