

Equality is everything. We are humans and the key to heaven on earth is peace within and peace with others who surround us. Our personal agendas and preferences set up barriers that divide us from each other. Our lack of acceptance of another creates an toxic environment.

As a people we shall not judge each other by skin color, ethnicity, body features, or lifestyle. We shall be acceptable to all people. There are a lot of people who are evil and are looking to disrupt peace, but we should be stronger and smarter than those people. They are people who die everyday because they think they are not good enough and figure life is meaningless because of other people who make them feel like they're useless.

Nobody is useless. Everyone has a special ability within them. We need to stop being at war with ourselves because it is pointless. We all are human with a heart, we should lift each other up and learn from our mistakes and unfortunate tragedies. Life is a blessing and we shouldn't spend it fighting, we should spend it loving one another. We should tell the people around us how much we appreciate them. Life is short and unpredictable, No one wants to live with regrets so spend time loving each other.

Please spread the peaceful vibes. Tell anyone whose going through a hard time to hang in there and that things will get better bad times are temporary and those who stays strong are the one's who will be remembered. They're people who love you and care about you. Be thankful for all that you were given. Live In Love, STOP THE HATE.
@Daveman #lovelylife #equality #LifeQuote #human #beautifulfeeling #inspire #Motivate #motivationlifestyle