

Could be yes, it could also not. Why and why not?

I call it depression. Being ignorant of their responsibilities.This could be due to an error from the teaching.

An expert on philosophy didn't teach how to overcome these two things, but instead introduce them without any provision / preparation at all:

--- PARABLE - Extremely Changeable
--- AMBIGUITY Multi Meaning of Words

Philosophers didn't teach how to deal with parables & how to deal with ambiguity, but instead provoke their students to think freely. Not all philosophy teachers did that, but if it's done then chaos results.

Why did this happen? Because he saw an opportunity to be free to be independent, so he tends to rebel.

They saw life from the side of parables which were flexible. So flexible were the parables that they open the opportunity to twist the rules for freedom.

They also saw the ambiguity of the meaning of the word, so that it is likely to be misled.

So the attitude of defiance / madness occurs because they see a gap.

--- RESPONSE ... Initially obeyed the rule that "do not enter unless only authorized officers". When they saw this sentence could be slipped "I had important issue, so I had to enter", then suddenly rebel against the rules, there was a clash then.

--- DEPRESSION ... Initially they had faith, then they saw that faith had been unclear, it's because they understood faith from the side of the meaning of a word that seemed to have many meanings, then they were confused, and faith collapses, or they still insist on maintaining faith but their heart was empty

So, just because of the two things, namely, "parable & ambiguity", then they were immediately dragged into 2 things as well, namely:

--- Seeing gaps / opportunities wide open
=> then became an opponent
--- Confused continuously (prolonged)
=> Make depression (prolonged)

Though this should not have happened.

Then, why doesn't learning difficult maths make you crazy? Or study physics? Nor does it drive you crazy? Who says it?

Anything that is difficult to overcome and so looming from time to time, is likely to drive someone crazy.

Learning how to adapt to life can also drive someone crazy and even commit suicide. But why is the treatment of philosophy different?

Actually the scholars, priests, monks also did philosophizing. Giving advice, and advice is part of philosophy, teaching wisdom. But why didn't they tend to be in trouble?

That was because they, scholars, priests and monks teach to also reflect through the use of senses in order to be sensitive in maintaining rights & responsibilities.

Whereas in philosophy, philosophy teachers are experts in seeing gaps and passed on to their students without provision of the use of contemplation.

They purely use even one-sided reasoning, without caution, making it difficult for future generations to have empathy.

Even if you want to, religion can be misused if it is understood purely as it is without deep contemplation.

Why does philosophy emphasize freedom of thought?

--- There were those who sincerely teach philosophy for the sake of accuracy, didn't just follow other people's words, be vigilant. Initially meant good, but later caught up too (opposer or being confused)
--- Some were indeed proud to invite others to be different and saw the facts that were different from the general. Even though they were slipped, lost in a jungle of confusion
--- Others saw a loophole in defying the rules.

In essence, philosophizing makes them resistant and depressed because they are confused, and this happens because there are gaps but they are not prepared to face it. So that the opposing ideas stand out without hindrance, and tend to be arbitrary. Moreover, this seems to have become a natural thing to accept, and this provides an opportunity for them to try to do philosophy and then get stuck & fall.

Philosophy is deep thinking, so yes it is naturally difficult / complicated process. It may be an arduous process, but the findings should be even simpler. Because something starts out simple, then sticks together into a pile of complexity, so that the deeper you get into, you should find a simplicity that is soothing to you, and not something more confusing.

What makes philosophy so appealing? There are many reasons, but the main reason is the opportunity for freedom.

What is the simplest thing that made them hooked on philosophy?

In a philosophical environment in general, there is no preparation to prevent bad impacts that can occur, but instead it gives us an opportunity, namely: FREEDOM OF EGO!

And this is very delicious and feels solid full of self-confidence, even though they unwittingly put their egos at the peak of their splendor for a very short time and then slam them down into depression - chaos.

Then, why is another study less dangerous than doing philosophy?

Because outside philosophizing, the boundaries are clear.

Meanwhile, those who did philosophizing have unconsciously blurred the boundary of reality itself.

The danger in philosophy is that it can blur boundaries because it is not accompanied by a strong ability to contemplate and imagine, so it is difficult for them to find axioms, so they become weak in grasping the rules & faith

They should be proud to do philosophy, because they are lovers of wisdom. Being orderly & calm, hand in hand with religion.

Even if their criticism makes them oppose religion, they should not ridicule religion, and must remain polite. Why?

Because philosophizing is not just a seeker of truth! Remember

Philosophy is not just seekers of truth, but those who try to behave wisely.

Doing philosophy should not lead to brutality, but rather towards order and calm.

Then, who was the one to blame for causing disorder, the wildness of the followers of philosophy? Did you?

Don't let philosophy put you lower than scientists, since scientist did clear contemplation & true examination.

But philosopher? They just thought without proper acts (you should do deep meditation). Meditation accepted by scientists, don't you?
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