

Now, I am sure that we all know that social media can be the most toxic yet most helpful place on the internet. There's plenty of people on social media that can hurt you and there are people who can help you, but before you get on social media you will need to know who you are as a person. Social media oftentimes promotes a false idea of what living happily is all about. They oftentimes show people talking about how beautiful they are or how much money they have, giving people the idea that if you're not living like them you will never amount to anything. You should every once in a while take a break off of social media to get to know how much you're worth and that there is no need to compare yourself to others because we weren't made to be the same we were made to be the unique cause that's what makes us special. So, don't follow anyone who makes you feel like your ugly or your dreams will never come instead follow people who inspire you to be a greater version of yourself and will help you get what you need to achieve your goals.

Another problem with social media is that there is quite a number of people that have a fake profile and pretend to be someone they are not. I have witnessed that myself from my own personal experience since I am a shy individual I find making friends online easier than making friends in real life, but a high percentage of my online encounters were negative because of people being dishonest. I recommend waiting for the one you love to find you rather than searching for her/him. Always remember to proceed with caution when talking online and don't feel afraid to ask questions because if you want to maintain comfortability you need to ask questions to basically ensure whether they are who they say they are. Make sure you stay mindful never let anyone online manipulate you out of your comfort zone usually when things start becoming uncomfortable that is when you know something is not quite normal about the situation.

There is another situation on social media that annoys me quite a bit and it is that a lot of people on social media have a lack of originality. People tend to mimic others of whom they see funny or admiring, but I think although you may be a fan of someone or something doesn't mean you have to mimic or imitate it. Everyone is made differently instead of copying others why don't you do something that has never been done. I believe that everyone has some form of creativity and they should use it to create something that is unique that nobody has seen or done before. Social media has been quite repetitive with many jokes, ideas, videos, and challenges. People tend to just copy each other's content because it saves them extra time from brainstorming. I believe that people should be more unique and use their creativity to its full potential to thrive to become greater than they already are.
#Life #Motivation #inspiration