

The Great Impact I Made
I was reading for my promotional examinations to ss2 in the study when my cousin, Tobi Afolabi, sprinted into the study while twirling around in circles. I was annoyed but immediately sprang up at what she said.
" What did you say Just now, Tobiloba? "
"Abigail,chill. I said I'm going to pass all of my examinations in flying colours." She once again blurted out while dancing in circles.
I was puzzled. Not that I looked down on the intellectual ability of my cousin, it was that Tobiloba was not the brightest of all.
"Sis, how do you know that you'll come out with flying colours in the examination that you haven't even completed? " I probed once again as I was fully determined to get to the roots of my cousin's excitement.
"Pfft, Abigail. Don't you do it in your school?. For the external examinations, we students just have to contribute a specific amount of money and once the invigilator comes, our teachers would give them the money we contribute and we'll be free to cheat as much as we wish. See? Simple right?." She blurted, obviously satisfied with the agreement.
"Outrageous!" I spat out. I couldn't believe that the level of education in public schools has degenerated to such extent. It was terrifying. However, it wasn't Tobi's fault. It was the mistake of her parents who insisted on sending her to a public school despite their buoyancy and financial capabilities to send her to a posh private school for sound education. This is because they believe that public schools are far better than private schools since they both attended such schools and are doing quite well in life. Hence, they thought it'll be for the best to send their only child there. Little did they know that everything has changed.
" Must you engage in malpractice,Tobi? "
" How would I pass if I don't, Abigail?" she cried out in frustration as she say on the sofa near the book shelves.
"Let's make a deal, sis."
" What deal? "
" What's your next paper?" I asked her instead of stating the deal.
" English Language?" She replied in a questioning tone as her eyes searched mine for clues.
I punched my fist into the air feeling good. Since English was my greatest strength and one of the numerous subject I understood like the back of my hands, I'll have no issues in carrying out my plan.
"Listen,Tobi. For the next few days, I'll teach you basically everything you need to know about English language. We have a week. It's a kind of test. Let's examine how good you'll feel if you write your examination by yourself. Please sis, cooperate with me" I instantly pleaded. She couldn't refuse me so she agreed. If it didn't work out, I knew I had to find another way to stop my sister from this self degenerating acts.
Every single day, I took my sister through the basics of English language for a week. It was drilling but I was glad. We may never be able to cover the broad language, but I'm certain that all I taught her and with her determination, her grade would be nothing less than a C. Soon the day came and Tobiloba went to school with high spirit.
By the time she returned from school, I was busying myself with viewing the television as I was done with my promotional examinations. My cousin ran into the house with tears in her eyes as she tightly held me in her arms.
" I love you, Abby...I love you. Thank you. I can't wish for a better sister. I felt so good writing the exam. I promise you that I'll never involve myself in any form of malpractice again. Thank you."
" I'm glad " I said happily. Then it clicked. It clicked... The teachings of Spencer Johnson suddenly rang in my ears in my moment of happiness. At the point where I was happy at my achievement of helping someone feel good, it felt like I heard my model's voice.
After all, Spencer Johnson once said: "The most important thing in training somebody to become a winner is to catch them doing something right— in the beginning approximately right and gradually moving them towards the desired behaviour."
Yes! That was it. I won. I brought my sister out of the darkness of malpractice and into the ray of light. Yes, darkness can never be conquered by darkness. It can only be conquered by light.
Great! I felt good. I've begun to impact lives at an early stage and I'm quite certain that this is just the beginning.

A draft from my book " Departure Nights To Avalon."
Aderinsola Faheezah Awoyemi.
© Crownwalks