

The Waiting Room
Leon stood outside of the darkly lit building. He was confused. He had no clue why he stood outside of the building. Furthermore, he did not know why he felt a compulsion to walk towards the glass door with the fluorescent lighting pouring through. Without thinking, Leon walked to the door. What confused him more was the seemingly incomprehensible dark on all sides of the building. Even if he didn't have the urge to walk through the door, he wouldn't walk anywhere else. He couldn't see a thing past the edges of the building.
Hand on the door he pushed and the door made the common ding as one enters into a public serviced room. What he saw immediately, appeared to be nothing but an empty waiting room. There was the typical open-spaced front desk reception area. The walls were all white, the chairs looked comfy, and besides the door, he walked in, there was but one door and it was closed. At the reception desk was the next confusion. He saw a nearly perfect in every way receptionist. The man had blonde hair that appeared fake it was so neat, a muscular frame, an angular face, stunningly white teeth, and ocean blue eyes. He was just smiling at him.
"What is this place Leon stammered?" The man regarded him for a moment smiling and said, "Leon Ried, you have been expected. Please take a seat in the waiting room, all will be revealed to you shortly." Again that disarming smile and those teeth, "What the fuck do you mean, all will be revealed shortly?" Leon was not a man who took orders or simply just listened to front desk jockeys. Leon was one of the head partners at a prestigious Chicago law firm. He gave people like these directives; he didn't take them. The man said again, "Leon, choose a seat in the waiting room and you will be helped shortly." It was not the words that were said, it was an internal feeling and the gaze of this man. Leon backed away from the front desk. He sat in a chair directly facing the reception desk, but in plain view of the door, he came in.
There were no magazines in the waiting room, no plants, it was all very hospital-like. Leon asked again, "excuse me, can you please tell me just what I am doing here?" The receptionist didn't even look up at this. Leon asked again, "Hey, I asked you a question, what the fuck is going on?" This time the man did react. He smiled that freakish smile at Leon. Leon stood up. He had enough of this bullshit; he was leaving. Just as he stood, the door opened. In walked a young blonde, petite frame, glasses, and an awkward demeanor. She smiled at Leon and took a seat near him. Never letting her eyes leave Leon. Leon recoiled at the sight of her. "What kind of sick joke is this!" He yelled as he tripped over a coffee table. Both the receptionist and the young girl just smiled.
Five years ago, Leon had satisfied the dark urges that we're with him as a child. He was a cruel psychopath. Very few people knew that about Leon. His calculating nature made him a hit in the law firm, but Leon, harbored a dark secret. He was a killer. He had never been caught for anything, a testament to his careful nature. He remembered this girl. He did vile things to her before disposing of her so long ago. Back on his feet now, he thought, "I must be dreaming." Part of Leon's faulty wiring was the dreams. He often had these extremely vivid dreams that felt so real. This must be one of them. He shuffled to the door he came in, it would not open.
Spinning in a defiant rage he yelled to the receptionist, "open this fucking door!" The man smiled and said, "sit down Leon, all will be revealed shortly." Again, it was not the words. He felt a force walking him back to a chair near the girl that just walked in. He looked at the young girl. She was still wearing the outfit she was in when he did what he did. She just sat there staring at him smiling. It was so creepy to him. What a sick dream this was. It had to be a dream. Several minutes passed in silence. The door slowly swung open again. To Leon's absolute horror, in walked an adult brunette, curvy build, dark eyes, and confidence to her walk. She was just like the blonde; she smiled at him with a sick unwavering smile.
Two years ago in much the same fashion as the blonde. Leon was at a conference in another city and had lured this one with his usual charm, subdued her with the drugs he used, and made her his toy. He had disposed of her in a national park near that conference. She was never found. "I don't know what you are trying to prove here, " He said. "This is just a sick dream, none of this is real, " he practically spat the words at the receptionist. In the same manner, as always, the receptionist simply smiled that perfect smile. He was fed up with this dream, he got out of his seat, approached the door he came through, yanked his hardest. The door did not budge at all.
The receptionist said cooly, "Leon, please take your seat." He again felt compelled to sit. In the oddest choice yet, he chose to sit directly between the girl and the woman. They just smiled at him, wearing the same things he remembered killing them in. He was beside himself now, the feeling of being trapped by this situation was overwhelming him. He desperately wanted this dream to end now. Weeping for his mother, in an odd reality. His mother was an abusive drunk, who let her boyfriends rape him as a boy.
In between his crocodile tears, the door swung open once more. A small boy walked in. Still wearing the backpack, dinosaur tee shirt, and gray shorts. He was completely manic at this point. This boy was an accident, he was driving home after a hard day at the office. The boy was simply a target of opportunity. He was always in control of his urges; he lost it with this boy. Smiling as all the rest, the boy grabbed a chair and dragged it in front of him. He couldn't feel sorrow, but he felt something. All of these people were his victims. Innocent people that met his dark urges and paid the price. Whimpering in the saddest way he ever had, the receptionist approached the group of them all. "Leon, I want to show you something, please look at the TV." Leon looked at the one blank monitor. It showed a scene of what looked like early morning hours, his bedroom, and what looked like paramedics. They were buzzing over his sleeping form. It was him, he could clearly see himself sleeping.
Slowly, the realization dawned on him. He was not sleeping; he was dead. It showed home being covered and carried out on a gurney. He was just so confused, a feeling of despair gripped him. He looked at the receptionist. The man was still smiling that creepy smile. He pointed to the one other door in the office and said, "Leon, you are free to go." He did not want to move. Slowly getting up, he walked to the door. Looking back at the group of four, they were all still smiling. Placing his hand on the door, he turned the knob and opened it. The immediate feeling of heat and unending agony snatched him through. The door shut. His last thought through the pain he felt was, "this is now my forever."

© Rising Darkstar