

#5 story
The two girls jumped over the hopscotch they had drawn on the curb with white chalk. It was their favourite game and they would be at it for hours.
Both girls enjoy very much ...but one day another girl came there ..
she was a brown girl with age ... something 8 or 9..
also she was smaller than that two twin girls ...
she said ," oh sister !! can I play with u this game ... plzzzzz.."
Then that both girls get happy ...and said that they have no problem with this she can come and play with them .
after that day ...that girl came to play that hopscotch game with that 2 girls with all kindness , honesty and childness .
Behind that place the mother of that 2 girls lived ...she all day watch this ... and say
' why small childs have to do work in another home ..for there survival it's just a hell ....going all where ...'

Actually That small girl was a worker in a rich buisness man ' s house ...
