

wake with adrenaline when Dreams feel Real
I was someone else in this dream. I was older. I know this because I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror and I had wispy brown, but silvery hair. I somehow knew that I was between 45 and 55 in this dream. Because of how my body felt, which was frail and feeble, but also by how I looked, with my graying hair. I was shorter as well, maybe just barely 5 foot. Because of the mirror placement in the bathroom, all i could glimpse of myself was the top of my head. I was thin and smaller. Older and tinier was I. I also was aware of the fact that I was a mother in this dream, to two teenage children. A boy who was festively wearing a Hawaiian lei about his neck. And a girl who was quieter but dazzling. The kids had just thrown a small party with some friends and it was getting late and dark out so we were bidding the last of the friends goodbye and goodnight. My two kids and I were the last to remain in the house, or so we thought. My two kids were in the kitchen, standing between the counter-top island and the basement door, which was open. I was about 5 feet away from them when I noticed.. The 2 guys wearing all black and masks on their faces came from behind my children and violently attacked them. They began to forcibly shove them sending them flailing backwards down the basement steps. I could not deprive my ears the sound of their crumpled helpless smacking fall. Where I was standing however, I knew that they hadn't seen me yet. Somehow I knew there was NOTHiNG I could do. So i darted to my right, down the hallway, quickly, quietly. And 4 feet to my right was our bathroom. I entered. I could still hear the racket in the kitchen as I stealthily shut the bathroom door and locked it. I could hear my kids screaming in pain. But I turned out the light. I turned to my right to step onto the toilet seat, in case the intruders looked beneath the door they would not detect me. I knew there was a toilet plunger to the right of the toilet, so I grabbed it.. Thinking that if they barge in, maybe I could use that for defense somehow. I stayed there quietly in trepidation. I could see the light streaming in under the door get swallowed up by shadows drawing closer. And thats when I knew they were coming. I braced myself. The door handle jumped and shook as they jerked and jostled it. I remember telling myself not to scream. They left it and continued on. Only to come back and pour something under the door. A liquid. And they poured it everywhere. Even down the basement steps. They poured gasoline everywhere. And then I thought they walked away. So I attempted to flee to find my children to escape this mayhem somehow. But my hope was strangled as i opened the door. There was another man now who had joined the other two. They found me and grabbed me. They seen the plunger and laughed. And they took me and they raped me with that same plunger. Violently. I remember when they were done with me I could not walk nor stand. I crawled. I crawled outside along the perimeter of the house on the ground. I needed to find someone to help us. I was so broken I couldn't think about the kids at that point. They hadn't set fire yet to the house. They seemed to have left, maybe, but I dont know. I crawled through what seemed like a meadow, tall grass .. And in a clearing, I spot a teacher and young students seated on the ground in the grass.. They must've been on a field trip. I couldn't get any words out. They were still too far away to see or hear me. And thats when i noticed him. Crouched to my left was one of the men who had done this to me and my family. We looked at each other. And thats when I woke up.
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