

One day I woke up
One day I woke up upset about being woken up from an awesome dream, upset being somewhere I never liked, with people I hated the most, upset about my whole existence and I was only about 5-6yrs of age. Yes, thats the beginning I remember of mine and my life. I lived with family of 4 members Mother and Father on their 50s with two adult kids(girl and a boy) but unfortunately they weren't mine. I was kinda like Cinderella just before the ball night also I wasn't born princess too. I always missed my Mom who I knew will come and rescue me from that hell and she did used to come but only to visit and not rescue, whenever she visited I wanted to tell her everything that happened when she wasn't there instead I kept quiet silently wishing that she never left me with those monsters. She, my Mom used to visit me once a year or sometimes once in two years which I assume now because I didn't knew how many months in year or days in weeks were as they never teach me those neither do I knew how to watch the time.
My Mom used to work somewhere far from the place I lived, she wasn't in a position to keep her only child (that's me) with her. She was a single parent at that time and she had to earn for her living and for mine. She did as much as possible to give me the best life but she didn't knew what life I was living not until I told her and I told her very late. She used to send money, loads of it for me and for those family to look after me, and not just money but all other items. Letters from my mother never reached me, they always kept it hidden and used to tell me that I am a burden on them, they have to spend so much on me and my education. I knew whatever they said wasn't right but u always made them believe that I trusted them and told them that I don't like my mother. I used to be in so much pain when I used to see my mom next to be but unable to kiss or hug or talk to her, I just used to pass some glance at her I cried inside but still felt lucky that at least she is there and when she is there, they will not harm me or beat me or make me do the work. I was treated kindly and humanly only when she was around but it was only for a week or 5 days, I never get to sleep with her or go out with her without their presence. I behaved rudely with her just so they don't hurt me when she is gone, whenever she arrived I prayed so so hard silently for her to take me with her but she didn't until it was too late.
My best part of the day was when I used to be in school away from them but it was a very little time. Even with very minimum access to study materials or time to study, I can say I was very smart kid I was directly promoted from kindergarten to second grade with a month in school. I roughly remember my first day when all other kids were crying I was so happy and cheerful, every kids parents and teachers liked me so much they kissed me all the time. I was never allowed to participate in any sports or other curriculum activities, they never paid extra money other than late fees in my school. I used to lie to them whenever there used to be any functions or programmes in school so that they don't stop me from going to school that particular day which they used to do when they knew. I used to participate without telling them and whenever I won and got prizes I used to throw it away, because I didn't have any place to hide it I used to share the bed with that mom and daughter. The things I owned was two daily dresses, one outdoor wear, one school shoes and one outing slippers, one school bag with not enough items and I can't remember possessing anything else than that. I used to be punished at school for not having all the textbooks or using only one notebook to write four different subjects or wearing torn sweater on summer days just to hide my torn school shirt inside or not having a clip or hairband on my head. My school teachers always told me to call my parents/guardians with all of those complaints but I never told them because I was so scared that they will hit me saying that I am putting them in problem or giving them troubles.
My second school was just next to the house I lived so from the window they could she me if I am outside playing in school ground with friends, so I used to hide in the classrooms. During the recess/break in school when everyone used to eat their lunch or buy snacks from the canteen I used to hide in the school toilet so that no-one could find out that I don't have lunch or money to buy one. I had few friends but none of them knew about me or what I am going through, I always looked happy when at school I never wanted time in school to end, everyone used to wait for the last bell ring to go home whereas I, used to cry sometimes when that bell rang. My uniform was never ironed or tidy like other children, I used to cut my nails with my teeth, used to brush my hair with fingers and my teeth too. Sometimes I used to robe the books, pen, pencils from other kids and hide it from kids and from them. Yeah also money from other students or my friends to buy from canteen, I used to see other kids parents and lunch boxes and get so jealous.
My daily schedule was to wake up or usually they will wake me up very early in the morning, fetch the water from the tap or well across the road, clean the house of four rooms, kitchen, toilet, clean the dishes. At that point I wasn't able to cook yet but I did wash clothes with my hands very very dirty clothes. If there is any stain left on clothes or dishes than I will be beaten really bad and I used to cry loud so someone could hear me and come to save me which never happened, I was never saved even though I cried loud enough for all town to hear me. I had to take permission from them to use the toilet and every time I asked for one I used to be humiliated and scolded for using toilet so many times, at some instances I used to hold it so hard that the urge will disappear. There were times I just used my pants as they were eating food or talking or doing something and I was scared to ask them for permission. They are the one serving me the food, I wasn't allowed to take more or ask more and whatever was served I have to finish it no matter how much I disliked or how full I am, I had to finish it. Most of the times I was only given the leftovers, stuffs that nobody else liked and they didn't wanted to waste. If I say no to anything they want me to say yes than the next day my whole body will be covered with bruises or I will be limping.
The only being I cared and loved I that house was the animals, there was dog, cats whose litters they always made me throw away, goats for few months they catered. I always felt that they knew what I am going through, they knew my pain and they always comforted me but at times I wasn't allowed to touch them. I could see other children in neighborhood playing alas I was always working, always busy with something or the else. I was never allowed to study or do homework, I never even reached school early to complete homework so I always was punished at school. I tried telling my teachers few times but they never believed or it was too much to believe. I never went for any school trips or picnic, never to my friends place or anything.
I can't remember how many years I exactly spend in that hell with those monsters until on after my 7th grade my Mom actually rescued me this time. And when she took me with her, I was the world's luckiest person ever but nothing lasts forever.
To be continued............

Thanks if you read it, open for critics and questions. Please spare the grammatical errors or if it feels too much or too obvious to read but I swear that I didn't copy from other stories or someone else, its real story and whatever is mentioned is neither fictional nor imaginary everything happened as I mentioned, I will keep writing more as we go only if you liked it or want to know what happened. As I am 27 now so there is lot more to this story.. Thanks once again 💞💞
© ifIonlyknew🖤