

the playground ghost
it all happened at 17:00. three kids: Kamreen, Jack and Cole, went to the playground. kameen was 13 years old, she babysitted 6 years old Jack and 5 years old Cole. at this fine evening, Kamreen, Jack and Cole were playing on the swings when suddenly Kamreen said: "say, do you believe in ghosts?", "I don't" said Jack "yeah me neither" said cole. "But I believe in ghosts. I heard that if in this exact same playground, someone got murdered... The killer ran away leaving the knife in a poor girl's chest, right where her heart was. And I've heard that if you spin three times in the merry-go-round at midnight, you'll see the ghost of 'the girl with the knife in her chest'.". Jack and Cole were quiet... Kamreen knew she scared them, so she was about to offer to go home before it's dark, when Jack yelled: "I'm not scared! and I'll show you! I'll spin on the merry-go-round at midnight!", "you sure? it's really scary here at midnight." said Kamreen, trying to convince him not to do it. "I'm sure!" said Jack, "well who am I to stand in your way?" and so they went home. It was close to midnight, and here Jack was, near the merry-go-round... at midnight he started spinning, 1... nothing, but he knew he had to get to 3 spins. 2... he started to get cold and got goosebumps. he didn't know if it was from cold or fear... 3........ he was never seen again. You too can try, spin three times on the merry-go-round and maybe you'll see... the girl with the knife in her chest..........
© halo dawn