

One girl life
hello..!everyone. in every one life their will be a girl. wheather she may be a mother, sister, wife, friend, daughter.. etc. among them their is a girl who sacrificed her life for the family situation.
Their was a girl named mahi. she was the third daughter of the family. she was a girl who can understand the family situation and she can change her according to the situation. from childhood onwards she was interested in playing games. but she doesn't have friends in her surrounding of home. so she used to play in school play hours with friends. and coming to her studies she was not a topper. because No one is guided her in her studies. and some of the teachers will be like they will see the toppers face and they will teach the lessons and they ask questions only to the toppers. so that she also losed her interest in studies. but their are two sirs who doesn't see the students like they are toppers, they are dullers. they were used to see all the students equally. one is english sir and 2nd is maths sir. so that she likes maths&english.In her schooling their were many tournaments like kabbadi, koko, cricket, softball... etc.
she was a girl who loves the sports. so she was excited and interest to play. but her family doesn't like her to play in the tournaments because it is a two days journey. so that her family doesn't like her to send. she asked her family they said No. but she asked her family alot to send her . she asked the reason that why are you not sending me? give the answer to my question?their family said that your are a girl. so that I'm not sending you. if you are a boy I will send you where you want to go. by listening the answer she was cried alot for being a girl. being a girl she lost her loved sports. and second thing when she competed her intermediate she want to join in engeenering college.for that she should write the emcet exam. but her family doesn't like her to study in engeenering college because it was a 4 years study and fee also more and should stay in hostel. and she asked the same question again. they replied !you are a girl. if you are a boy your wish what you want to study you can. again she cried alot for being a girl. and her family joined her in degree which is near to her home. when she completed her 2nd year her family started seeing matches. she said I don't want to marry now. I want to complete my graduation. and i want to do job. her family said that it was a good match so you should marry him. and you said that you want to study and do job. and that will be in your husbands hand. and you don't shout any more just do what I say. the girl got married now. her husband was starting very good with her. and her aunty &uncle also good. and they said her to complete her graduation. but on one condition that only go in exams time. after one month of her marriage her husband started avoiding her. and sometimes he will be good with her and something behaving ruide with her. he always scold her on behalf of dovrey. and on House hold things which her parents gave her in marriage. this is her life now she is facing. and it is a real life story.
© Rafees