

Why should several deaths occur for me to realize....
I write this not thinking about many who have lost their lives to racism, but many who have innocently died, some have died of racism, some have died because of the mistakes of others and some have died... we can continue the list of many who have died, but I just want to make some points clear which might sound cliché but I am still going to repeat them. First of all if you or I can just picture a person being killed by a policeman for no reason, you should not be standing there, taking videos to create awareness to people or to create some kind of evidence because it is not justice, trying to talk the policeman out of what he is doing wrong, will not create justice, but what will create and make you justify your evidence as a witness, is when you realize that the policeman is not listening to you, you take action, do not be scared if you get shot by the policeman because you are trying to save a man who is on the verge of death. This has to stop!
We have seen so many deaths happen infront of our eyes, yet we think as citizens we have done our job by taking videos and posting them on social platforms, but my question to you Mr.Witness is, what are doing? Are you really serving justice to an innocent man or a man who is being arrested for a certain crime infront of you and is being mistreated right infront of you? Are you blind? I don't think so. You have been blessed with eyes, so removing tears or removing your rage which you express through your eyes is not going to sort of hypnotize the policeman and make him stop what he is doing. Your duty as a justful witness is to, call the department that is in charge of crime like the FBI or any other agency, what are you waiting for Mr.witness? Do you think by screaming at the policeman you are going to change anything that's happening right infront of your eyes? The answer is no! But what you can do is call the next person in charge of the policeman so that he can call this ruthless policeman and order him to stop doing what he is doing. You see sometimes anger is what overtakes us when we're in a situation, and when somebody is angry they usually turn their real character 360 degrees anticlockwise, you know why I said anticlockwise, because if the person is thinking clockwise then his thinking is positive he is ok, but when he is negative, he is moving anticlockwise, just like in mathematics, when you go backward from zero, it's a negative one when you move from forward from 0 it's positive one. Now I am not here to explain to you how some leaders in different countries misuse their power for their own personal misinformation which they instill and start to believe is true or rather their personal grudge against certain religions,races or communities. But what I can say is if you think clockwise, you will start to move forward, also your mindset will think forward, but when you start to move backwards your mentality automatically gets hit by negativity, and that is what is sadly happening in many nations today. If you look at China, they are mistreating Muslims known as Uyghur. They believe they know and have everything just because technology based products come from their country, they think that mistreating innocent Uyghur Muslims will help them get rid of their ancestrol grief. But what is sad is that even though they have all the technology in the world, they still think 360 degrees anticlockwise, they have everything, but knowledge is what they lack sadly. If they thought forward like the minister of New Zealand, then they would know that no Muslim is a terrorist. All the nations would know that Muslims are not terrorists.Muslims are just human beings like everyone else. Why do you get to label a Muslim as a terrorist but when a person labels you as a racist, you get so defensive? Why does a white get to call people slave or African or pigmie but when a black calls a white, "racist, backward and brainwashed " it is so offensive to them? When I say white I am not refering to Americans only I mean Europeans too, like the Spanish and the Italians, they are also white, but I do not hate them, in fact what I have got for them is nothing but love sincerely from my heart. Now even what I have pointed out will be quoted by someone, and then they will edit what I said, so that they can create chaos. Did you know somewhere around the globe there are people who have been emotionally abused or maybe victims of rape or victims of accusations which were held against them that were not true? Now behind every sick man or woman lies an 'ailment of cure' which they believe can cure their trauma. They have been abused by people or by the law, and so when they see a person who is mentioned in the news who did a certain crime or so, or anything to do with justice, they tend to feel like their ugly side is waking up. By ugly I do not mean that I do not consider their pain which they might have gone through, but what I mean is that this person is made to believe that he or she cannot speak up about their abuse because it is a crime.For example in indian movies you see a small boy or a small girl who is raped and told "do not tell anybody what we are both doing in your room, we are just having 'fun' I am just playing with you" that poor child grows up with fear, because they cannot tell their parents what has been going on since their childhood, not because they do not tell their parents, but because their own parents think about what their family members or outsiders will say like"samaj kya kahega?" translation:What will people say?" and all other questions that do not really matter. This literally shows you that even in families, parents of all people should be our role models, but they choose to ignore when their own child is telling them that rape is literally happening behind a closed door in their own home to their own child. Why? This is because they are not worried for that child that is choking in the smoke of trauma but they are worried about what people will say. Wow! is all I can say. Do not say that India has the most cases of rape, when the parents themselves encourage it. Do not tell me to watch movies to see how pyschos turn into pyschos because of abuse they have gone through themselves, because a pyscho is not born a pyscho, you as a parent are the ultimate vessel to them being pyscho. This is because this child is abused and abused until one day they become big and they do the same thing that happened to them when they were a child, not because they knew it was wrong, but because they think if they told their parent what was happening to them, and their parent chose to ignore it, the child grows up thinking that being abused or raped is totally normal and okay, and that raping others is also normal and their way to get revenge from what happened to them. If you are a journalist do not write for me as a reader that this rapist is heartless or is a person with a mental problem, write for me facts as a reader, that this rapist, was also a victim of rape, his/her story was never heard or taken action against and so that's what turned this rapist into a rapist. If you are a president reading a speech on hate against people's religions or communities. Then do not tell me that Islam hates you, kindly tell me, that no religion including Islam supports terrorism, and tell me that even your Bible does not justify hate speech, but it justifies a criminal to be held accountable not by you but by the court of law. Do not tell me that Saddam Hussein was going to be hung on the big day of Muslim's celebration (Eid day) to make you feel you needed to punish Muslim's happiness by celebrating death and not happiness on this day. Do not tell me Osama bin Laden was a terrorist, when you know you ultimately created Osama bin Laden yourself, and do not tell me Osama bin Laden existed, because you have been lying not to the world but yourself and you are lying to your own brand identity known as "hate speech proves justice" that is literally your slogan for your brand identity, and yes walk with it proudly because you deserve this award rightfully. Make your country great again by being original not by following your ancenstoral leaders, because hate is not only a strong word but a strong wound that cannot be healed with hate speech. If you are a protestor do not bring a board saying you want peace and justice, instead bring yourself, as fearless as ever and even if you have to die in the name of protesting then so be it, because justice is not proven by words, it is proven by actions, rightful actions. You cannot tell a former president to hang in there, when you know you just do not like him. Instead of killing his kind of people, I mean what kind of people are his people? Presidents are not presidents if they only believe in protecting people from their own race or religion. Presidents are presidents when they think diverse and they encourage diversity and create awareness to citizens with different religions from different races to respect each other and to see each other as equal. Presidents only become leaders when they are not held by the court of law but by their own actions. Leaders are not leaders if they are corrupt in the mind . Leaders are leaders when they bring about change that other leaders never brought forward, leaders are leaders when they change the ordinary to extraordinary , leaders are different from others when they do not do what the majority likes or goes with, but what real justice goes with .I do not need a journalist to quote me, because they have their own beliefs, I do not need a news reporter, to dress up just to present news full of fabrication, I do not need a radio presenter to make fun of my writing just for reviews, I do not need YouTubers who are yearning for fame to rise to the top by spoiling my name, I do not need a cop to arrest me because my reputation is not a piece of paper like their own reputation which is signed by giving justice on a paper when they get a certificate to serve justice. I do not need to be internationally recognized on a certificate to get this simple common sense, that justice is not really justice by putting down people we hate, by making people believe that people are rapists, physchos, mental, possessive narcissistic,terrorists and the list goes on. What I do need is people to speak up about their problems, well in my country there is no freedom of speech like in other countries. There is nothing more ungrateful I have seen than being in a country where you have freedom of speech but because you fear hate, you would rather just be like the crowd and not speak up , because your comfort zone is more important than what is happening to you, which is internally destroying yourself bit by bit. Do not tell me that #blacklivematter# when you know that what really matters right now is #rightknowledgeneededurgently# if you want peace, then look for it, do not expect peace to come to you, work for it, it is free earn peace, peace has no price. You just have to give up attachments that are not worth your time and emotions. Yes there are villains of emotions out there, villains who can literally live a normal life after emotionally abusing you which you think 'lasts forever' emotional abuse happens to everyone, but what makes you different is if you let go of that pain, go scream at the top of your voice, drive away from the city and go scream in a deserted area, next to mountains, go let out all the pain, and then I think you will be relieved, but if you still are not relieved like many of us, then scream to that inner voice that" you are you and you matter first" stop taking your life committing suicide, it is not a journey by car where the tyre flattens out, when there is a puncture and the journey stops, it is a journey where the tyre is spoilt but can be replaced with another tyre and the car moves on, it is the same thing with your life, stop pressuring yourself until your tyre bursts or flattens out, keep replacing your negative thoughts with new thoughts, new knowledge that is beneficial to your life and health and move forward because your destination is not decided by booking.com your personal destination is what you build it to be like. If you want your destination to be beautiful and serene, then you must drive your engines (heart and mind) hard so that you can catch up and reach your destination before the time for entering your destination ends. Another thing, do not expect anything from this selfish world, do not expect anything from a guy or girl who was your crush, but you imagined a life, a marriage and a family with him or her, do not base your imagination on your expectations, base your imagination on realistic things which you expect from yourself, look at you, look at what you expect from yourself because expecting too much from someone is what you define later as being emotionally abused, but how were you emotionally abused when you had your expectations of this person so high? Remove the thought and feelings of emotions that make you think a person or a certain episode in your life gave you trauma, because if you live in that trauma your mind is going to be a land of fear and thoughts that are made up of your assumptions towards others. The truth is, that is why it is called assumption because it is made up of clouds of thoughts that you think others think of you, but the truth is nobody truly know what a person thinks about you or anybody, that is why it is called an assumption. Stop living in the past, stop thinking in the past,and stop believing in the past, because the past will bring back nothing to you but sorrow, so think in the clockwise direction and believe in the 360 degrees because your future will change if you drive your car with good quality tyres and you will feel ultimately happy. Stop trying to create hate in this world whether you are a leader or not, because God did not give you power to kill people, he gave you power to lead people and to correct and guide people and open there eyes to what is factual and to make people stop believing in lies. We cannot make the world a better place by killing people or fighting people but what we can do is sit for a minute and do some #selfrelection# and find out who we truly are. Question left to say is"Who are you, are you human or are you a hater?" If you are a human then you probably understand what real humanity means if you are a hater then you probably have experience on what hate is and all the believes that you have blended in your mind about hatred, until you are so confused, because everything in your head is blended like a mixture of fruits in a smoothie, you cannot really recognize what is original in the fruits in the blended mixture ,but what you can do is flush out that mixture of confusion that is in your head, and then you will be brand new again, you will see clearer,you will think clean and you will do clean!



#nospaceforhate# #behumane# #allraceslivesmatter# #justiceisnotservedbyhate# #personalgrudgeshavenospace#
#thinkclean# #beclean# #dowhatisright# #stopspreadinghate#
#justiceisnotawordbutarightfulaction# #stopracism# #seektherightknowledge# #beneficialknoledgealwayscomesalonway# !!!! #Alllivesmatter