

racism N word
Draven Prentice-CristIkAnd I'm talking to youWelcome to AmericaAmerican realityMy rights shall not be infringedIf they are then I'll have to fight for my freedomJust as the founding fathers intendedBasically if you don't like me as an American patriotWellIdk It's not youBut I feel my rights are being u fringedIk But like I saidWelcome to the real worldWelcome to realityWhere we follow our constitutionNo.1Freedom of speechNo.2The right to carry gunsYeahWelcome to AmericaNeither am i I'm not eitherBecause nigga ain't racistNow The hard er YesThat's 100%Why the silence LaurenYou upset because I'm an AmericanWellYou have the right to be that way as an American citizenIk and I'm sorry look ill give you time aloneI'm American go there
to let notI'm tell you how I feelI'm tell you how I feelListen hereI don't use the hard er
© Ny-leeka takia jackson