

.... far from home towards home ....

I prepared meat as he liked, he ate and feasted , he drunk wine and ate fruits.
After his meal he called"Daniel"
"yes father" I went politely
"tell me, what are your plans"
"I will be leaving tomorrow"
"tomorrow huh?" he chuckeled
"yes father"
"I guess I will starve to death" he heavily laughed
I remained silent at his joke , I dint find it funny but as he laughed he gave me a look that made me laugh along.
he laughed some more as I kept quite.
We have been living in a tiny village, after my mother's death we fled , my father was afraid that those people would come after us too. I don't know the reason my mother was killed and my father does not talk about it , he never said why he was so afraid that he hid in the village , A village miles far from the town we used to stay. And it was time I went back to that town.
The morning arrived and I awoke early as a bird , I took my things and off I went. my father was wasted from the wine he drunk, so I left without goodbyes, I dint care anyway, I knew he dint care either way, since my mother's death, my father hated me.

I was on my way far from home and I was going back home , to a home we ran away from, a home full of memories with my mother... the good and the worst.
I was going to a town where my mother died , Am sure I will find the one who killed her. It took me four days, I walked forest past forest , untill I arrived. The town was called capitalia
it was a town full of merchants and businesses, nobles and the rich ruled the town.
The town gates were opean but the soldiers mostly neglected people who were on foot, those with horses and carriages were given high priority , so many on foot hid in carriages owned by other bit some who were not lucky to get a sumaritan camped outside waiting to be allowed inside. I couldn't wait out there like a fool I saw a carriage it seemed like it was for a noble, I decided to take my chances , "not all nobles have a hard heart"I thought
"rider"I called, "sorry can you help me through the gate" I asked.
"Am just a rider mate, I don't think young mistress will agree to that"
"is your mistress that selfish" I asked
"how dare you talk that way about..."
"yes, mathiass"a female voice interrupted "am I that selfish"she asked . "No my lady, that is not what I meant" she chuckeled and she slowly opened her window, I turned to look at her , "you!!" she exclaimed .
"can I get a ride" I asked
"don't you recognize me" she asked in shock .
"No, do you know me?" I asked
"No, thinking about it , I don't"
I smiled "then, have we met" I asked
"yes , it was brief , but I guess u dint want to remember"
I chuckled , "can you give me a ride"I asked . "sure, get in"
"no it's fine , I will sit with the rider"
"in here or no ride"
"fine, thank you " I got in . I sat in front of her , she looked at me and asked "do you catch boars often"
"well, am a hunter" I replied .
My memories suddenly kicked in.
"lady Arya, how do you still remember"I asked
"how can I forget my saviour"she replied.
"what's your business in capitalia" a guard asked . " who is in there"he asked as he knocked the window.
Lady Arya opeaned the window,
"my lady" he bowed
"let them through" he commanded.

......to be continued......

© _rollen_