

Sometimes we see certain situations, and we be like wow, that person is not close with their parents, can we really know what is going on unless we have been in that boat, some parents of to understand that their baby is grown, a grown-up woman or man now and has their life path to follow and life to live, you can't choose who your kids be with you have to just keep your fingers crossed that they end up with the right person ,someone to love and encourage them, when most parents or in their kids life trying to control each move they make, it make things bad, for them both and have their relationship taking a bad turn, not just parents alone but also some family members too, allow others to live their lives we can't stop others from making mistake is how they learn, mistake are there to build us and let us learn from them, so to those out there who think that being said here will stop certain things think again, guess what I don't like your son gf let it go it's his life to live, you have lived yours let him live his, and the moms who don't like their daughter bf let it go it's not your life to live, ok each person knows what they look for in someone they want to be with let them grow be happy to love and to live in peace.
listen if you love someone fight for them, fight to keep them in your life, because one day you will be happy, word is wind if you truly love that person nothing can break that bond or break you both.

© Marcia Crossdale