

A new battery......
Later that at afternoon Bill her fiancee dropped in for the usual oil fuel change. Pete
was underneath a car looking up at his pant leg. Hey Rabbit you under der.... Pete just laid there for a while saying, yeah, yeah I'm here.
Bill said look I brought her in for an oil and fuel change I got to take care of my baby
she gets me there. Pete rolled from under the car and just sat there on the slide board.
Looking at Bill he said.... Look Bill man...
I don't give a fuck if you get mad and fall out with me and it kills our friendship.... Man she came in here wit one of those almost smiles on her damn face man what the fuck are you doing. Bill was so shocked he couldn't say anything.....She is so damn bored and you cant see just how bored she is. You use to talk to the damn woman but now you just work and talk about work and your new baby. Oh yeah she get you there but your facts of importance flip flopped and did a fucking 390: degree turn. This lady is lonely and if you can't see in her you're the one that need the fuel change get yo priorities straight or you are going to need a whole fucking new car man this chick needs you...
You got what others are looking for and because you're not talking to her not loving her she's walking around here with a almost smile. Y you round here talkin about yo new baby and taking care of it.
See somebody else wants most important
man you get what I'm saying.