

Chapter 7
Getting away was hard. But, moving forward was harder. We drove all night to get far from the house. We only stopped once the car ran out of gas, so we pushed it into the small wood next to the road, and covered it in small branches, and brush to blend in. "Ok. As long as we keep switching out cars, we should be safe." I said when we finished. "Yeah. But, where can we go that's safe?" he asked. "We go to the authorities. And turn them in." I said swinging my backpack over my shoulder. "You're really going to turn in your sisters? You know you're also one of them. They just might lock you up too." he said as we started walking. "I know. But, with what my sisters did, they're not going to jail for." I said. He stopped, and from behind me asked, "And you're ok with that?" making me stop. "It doesn't matter if I'm ok with it or not." I turned to look at him. "They did bad things. Hell, I did too. But, we all need to pay for what we did." I turned back and kept walking, and the conversation stopped at that. It took a few miles of walking and two rides from strangers, that we ended up at a motel. With the money we had, we got a room, and settled for the night. "Ok, we're three states from DC. We can steal a car tomorrow, and if we keep up on the driving we can get there in a few days at least." I said sitting on my bed. "Ok. But, won't they be hunting us? You did kill the little girl, and let me escape." he said. "I know." I crossed my legs "But, we just need to get to the authorities first. And they won't be able to hunt us." I said. "For now, we should get some rest. Everything's planned for tomorrow, so we'll leave early." I said, and layed down. "I'm going out for a bit. I need to take a breather if we're going to be the hunted starting tomorrow." he said. "Ok, just be back soon." I said and rolled over to my right. I heard him shut the door, saying he left. Tears finally fell from my eyes, and I remembered killing Anena. It was like remembering a horror movie. You want to forget it, but you could never forget the parts that scared you the most. The parts that give you nightmares. A knock was on the door. I quickly wiped away my tears thinking it was Issac. I opened the door, and didn't see only Issac, but a face that made me freeze. Lyra, holding a knife to unconscious Issac. I opened my mouth to yell, but a hard pound made my senses cease. When I finally woke up from the dark void, just to see two figures I wish I didn't need to. "Well, look who woke up." Dagon bent down to my eye level "Morning, traitor." she said and punched me across the face. My head snapped sideways, and through blurry vision, I could see Issac tied up with Lyra standing behind him. "Issac..." I said, hoping for him to wake up. "What did you do to him?" I asked straightening my head to look up at Dagon. "It's not so much what we did to him you should worry about. You should worry about what we're gonna do to him. And you." she said walking to him. "You see, we were all surprised when we woke up to see Anena dead, this piece of meat" she grabbed Isaac's face "out of his cage, and you," She said pointing at me with a large knife, "gone." She held the knife to my throat, making me look up. "You should've see Amarah's face when she put the pieces together. I mean, priceless, really. But still, you betrayed your family for a boy. Do you like him or something?" she asked pressed the cool metal to my throat. "Now, we're going to skin the prey alive, and make you watch. And then, we're going to do the sasame to you." she said quietly. "You guys are gonna die nice and slow. I wish I could be here to watch you suffer, but Amarah wants us to teach you a lesson and get our asses back home. So, let's get started, shall we?" She walked over to Issac, smiling psychologically. "Wait, no! Don't! Please!" Then, Dagon dropped to the floor. And Lyra stood over her with a rock in her hand. "Go to hell you black leather wearing bitch." she said and smashed her head with the rock, not stopping till Dagon's head looked like a cracked egg with the insides oozing out. She looked up at me, making me look back at her in shock. Her hands were red with Dagon's blood, and her face was splattered in the red dots. She pulled out her knife, and walked to me. But, she walked behind me, cutting the rope on my wrists. I stood up, and looked at her shocked. She huffed, as she leaned on the chair I was tied to. "I know. I know. I looked like a psychopath." she said. "Why?" I asked taking a step away from her. "I'm tiered, Tessa." She said with a genuine look of regret under the blood stained on her face. "I can't live knowing everything I did. Everything we did." She said looking at her feet. "But, I don't want to die. Not in the authority's hands." She flipped her knife, the handle pointing at me as she handed it in my direction. "Let me die with my sins. Please." she said. I could see tears fall from her eyes mixing with the blood. "No, Lyra," "Oh come on. You've cut into how many bodies, and you're scared of ending me? You're weird, Tessa." She said masking over her tears with a joking smile. I returned it with my own sad smile, and hesitantly took her knife. "I'm so sorry." I said. "Hey, I'm the one asking you to do this. No matter what happens. We'll always be sisters." She said smiling. I looked away, and jabbed the knife forward, feeling it hit Lyra's side. I looked back at her face, blood exited from her mouth, but she smiled, showing her red stained teeth, and falling on me. I held onto her, until I felt her life leave her body. My hands shook, knowing she was dead, and I layed her on the ground next to Dagon. Three. Three of my sisters are dead, because of me. Because of my choice.