

The festival of love
She chose her cleanest piece of clothing to wear. It was a festival after all and she wanted to celebrate with everyone else. When she stepped into the street a speeding car drove by splashing dirty water on her.
A tear fell down her cheek. The poor had no right to celebrate...

Mira ran a wet rag across the muddy sleeve of a red and black flowery gown.

Her view was blurred by stubborn tears as she listened to the sound of celebration outside her window.

She sighed and let a lone tear slide down her cheeks. The dress was ruined. It was nothing impressive, but it was the best her meagre salary from the diner where she waited tables could afford. So to her, it was special with its delicate embroidered flowers. Now, it was an ugly muddy rag. The mud would have been easy enough to wash out but some of the festival's paints and colours had gotten on it.

She tossed both rag and clothing on the floor. And then flopped on the bed face down silently cursing the driver of the blue sports car.

As her eyes drooped all she could think was..

'who drives a sports car at a festival'

Stefan stepped out of the car, gun in hand. Behind him was a crescent moon and a dark starless sky. He moved cautiously towards the darkened bungalow. Although the house was relatively new. It now looked old and wrecked. The place was dark and the front door was broken.

But as he neared he could see a blinking light. With a foot, he pushed the remains of the door and entered pointing the gun in the direction of the light. It was coming from the kitchen. The door was ajar and when he reached it he realised it was empty. A mobile phone on the floor was flashing with an incoming call. He bent and picked it up. The caller ID was Bestie ❤️ with the picture of a smiling brown-haired girl.

He picked it up and placed it in his ear but no one spoke. All that came was the sound of soft snoring. After a while, he cut the call and looked around the kitchen. There where obvious signs of struggle. And even drops of blood on the counter. He wiped his head with a frown.

"That bastard" he hissed. His smartwatch beeped and he tapped the green button, "she's gone—that bastard was here"

"What!?" a female voice from the other end replied in shocked disbelief

"you heard me" Stefan snapped

"Yes I did but that's not possible"

"Oh and how so"

"Because he's here...we caught him trying to cross the border"

Stefan stood in shocked silence

"Sorry boss but he doesn't have her....He did admit to sending someone after her but when she escaped he tried to flee the country"

"Then where is she" Stefan roared

The other person was silent for a while before replying "I dunno boss"

Mira patted the apron around her waist before balancing the two trays on each hand. On one hand, was a smiley-faced omelette and bacon. On the other was black coffee and toast. She delivered the egg and bacon dish to a nice dark-skinned lady.

The toast was for a good looking guy in a dark grey suit. She felt her cheeks heat as she dropped the toast and coffee.

"Here's your order sir, enjoy," she said

The man looked up from the files in front of him to give her a passing glance but he stopped and stared. Mira fumbled with the tray under his gaze

"do you need anything else sir"

The man frowned at her "do you know Adelaide"

She sputtered "am sorry what?"

he continued "You contacted her yesterday evening—who are you to her"

"am sorry yes I know her but I don't recall contacting her yesterday" Mira replied with a thoughtful frown "excuse me but who are you"

"Her brother—when do you get out from work"

"Oh err six...but why?"

Mr Adams her boss walked up to them "Is there a problem sir"

Adelaide's brother turned to him "how much to get her out of work now"

Mr Adams stared at him in surprise "if you need her for something important then she's free to leave, you don't have to pay me, besides business is slow today we will..."

Adelaide's brother interrupted "be out in five minutes"

Then he left

"who's he?" Mr Adams asked

"Adelaide's brother"


As she stepped out of the diner Mira spotted him leaning on a blue sports car. She frowned. She recognised the car. It was from last night. She glared at the suited man staring at her. Hmph. How rude. Now she was angry.

" What do you..."

"Adelaide's missing" he cut her off

"wh..what!?....when how..when!?"

"yesterday and you were the last person to contact her"

Mira took out her phone
"I told you I didn't call...oh it seems I may have accidentally dialled her number"

Stefan sighed and entered the car.

Mira tapped on the window "wait where're you going...is there any way I can help"

"Are you her friend?"

"err...I met with her a few times"

"she saved your number as bestie" he raised a brow at her.

"oh" she answered dumbly

She stood by the road and stared as the man wound up the window and picked up his phone.

Suddenly the phone in her hand vibrated. Thinking it was Adelaide's brother she picked it as she looked at him


"Hello mam do you know a Miss Adelaide"

what's up with this same question

"yes?" she answered cautiously when she realised the caller wasn't Adelaide's brother

the caller audibly sighed "thank goodness could you please come to Maple street hospital, Miss Adelaide has been admitted here and she gave us your contact"

"What!?..err I'm on my way"

Mira cut the call only to see that the sports car was already pulling away. She rushed after it waving her hands madly. The car stopped and the man alighted

"Is there a problem miss?" Stefan asked

"no...I mean yes well I know where Adelaide is"

His face darkened and he took a threatening step towards her "where?"

"I just git a call, Maple street hospital"

"get in" He entered and started the car

A few anxious hours after they arrived the doctor allowed them into Adelaide's room. She was on a drip. And her face was pale with cracked lips. And there was a white bandage on her right arm.

Stefan sat by her bed and smoothened her hair, his features visibly stiffening

he bent and whispered in her ear "I will torture him for thinking of hurting you and I will kill him for actually hurting you"

Mira's eyes widened and she stepped back before busying herself with opening the windows

'I didn't hear anything I didn't hear anything' she chanted in her mind

She turned to find Stefan standing close, really close to her

"We haven't been properly introduced I'm Stefan...thank you for your help today"

"no problem" she smiled and tried to step away but he grabbed her hand

"I must repay you"

"err not necessary.."

"I must—with a diner for two, I'll pick you up at seven" he placed a chaste kiss on her cheek and then walked out of the room.

"I...I don't even know him and..and dinner? what am I going to do"

We should all know the ending they meet a couple of times she becomes less shy they fall hard in love and boom wedding bells are ringing. Of course, Adelaide becomes a bride's maid.🤭

© MH17Angel