

A Man in a Coffin
The noise was too loud, almost as if someone was using a drill machine in his head. He craned his head to relieve the cramp in his neck. When he couldn't move he realised where he was; in a coffin deep in the confines of an airplane. He can only move his neck, arms and legs but cannot move his full body. He has no idea what he was doing in the coffin. A sudden pain in his head started. He tried to remember everything and then reaslised that he he was going to home from the office and then a truck came from ahead with flashlights on pointing towards his eyes and then he forgot what happened. He thought that he his killed and pinch himself to chech whether he was alive or not. He successfully passed the test and got relief but he was in trouble that if he was alive, then what he was doing in the coffin. He shouted but no one was listenting to his voice and heard people saying that this coffin will be taken to newyork they will be buried in the ground near his house. He got frightened and shouted but falied. As there was no more oxygen left in the coffin, so he died. Actually he went to coma after accident and doctors considered him as dead.