

Hail! Long live the Queen! ch6
"I feel woozy..." Kehlani leaned against the wall as she walked down the flight of stairs leading to the Throne room.

"My lady, I asked you not to get out of the bed" Sara ran after her.

"It's a general meeting, The king is waiting for me. I need to be there" she trudged on.

"But my lady..." Sara was confused and scared. if the king finds that she allowed his Queen outside looking like a sick human, he would definitely have his head and if she kept trying to prevent the Queen from doing what she wants, the King will have her head too. "please..."

"Don't worry, your head is and will be safe. I'm just going to sit and watch...I don't want those council dogs on my neck again" her expression switched when she saw the King. she quickened her pace when he stretched his hands towards her.

"How are you?" he noticed she was swaying.

"Yes, woke up with a splitting headache...my face was burning, one of the cleaning maids left the window slightly open, sun crept in. "but I'm fine"

He turned to the guard by him "Find me that maid" and then turned to her. "You should rest..."

"No and No," she said firmly "you are not punishing anyone" she whispered to him "and No, I'm doing this with you. Majority of the Vampires, don't acknowledge me as their Queen, I don't want to take any chances. you heard the council's verdict..." she shrugged "and besides, I have no idea what to do as Queen, so I need to learn"

"I don't care, No one tells my woman what to do. You've been through a lot, now is the time for you to be taken care of...protected by me..."

She had that firm look on her face that showed that she wasn't backing down, no matter what he said and he knew that. she pulled him in for a hug

"Luke, I understand and I'm grateful for that. I love you and I know you better than anyone else here and it's safe to say you are most qualified for protecting me." she smiled "what happened to me in my previous life happened to me as a result of my decisions and those decisions led me to you...I am here now, with you and I will support you, so let me..."

He leaned in "I love it when you get all serious...makes me want to take your clothes off and have my way with you..." he whispered.

"if you let me in with you, maybe I'll turn on my serious switch again..." she leaned in

"You make a good bargain, My lady" he had a toothy smile on.

"come on... they're waiting" The guard pushed the oak doors open

"His Magesty and Her Highness!" a loud voice announced them.

© Tolu