

The Parrot
You wouldn't believe what happened to me, but first let me start from the beginning. It was a normal day. The sun was shining. The birds were chirping. The kettle was boiling and I was sitting on the fourseated couch watching television. Then suddenly there was a sound. Talking, maybe? Yes, it was my parrot, Leo, who talked to himself. As funny as it sounds, it was not just any selftalk. The parrot was talking about me. What have I done to him is the question I keep on asking? I do not know.

He made a huge noise. My head was going to burst. What must I do? Do I need to leave the house? Of course, I did. As soon as the parrot was getting angrier I left. I am now in the nearest restaurant busy writing this. I do not want to know what will happen later.



Do you want more? 😂