

once appon a time in an village a man help people and he was an doctor and he has no name for him and every one call him as doctor only and in that he has a good name and one a women with his child went to the doctor and that was 6 pm and her child has feaver and she told to check him and he told that he we should take a scan he told and they took a scan and he told no broblem form but he has an hole in his heart so we should do an surgery he told she told ok and the doctor said that then you should need 10 lakhs she was shocked and i dont have that much money and i have an idea then give your chain and bancles he said she also gave and told to save her child and the next day he use that money and he kept an party with friends and he does not do the opreation for that the child and the next day the child condition became bad and they admitted them in the hospital and his manther was waiting for the doctor and he din't come finaly the child was déad and he Mother was cried and the drank and came to the hospital. and the mother shout at him why do you came late and where is my money and he told iam dank fully your money and he went the mother burn her child body and she told the village and told the village people that he was a fraud doctor she said but no one believe at the night time the doctor kill her and he went to his home and the next day Police came to the village and asked the people what happen they told that at the morning we say that women has died in her home we don't know that it's a susite or murder and they was confuced

After 1 weak
and started his organ trade and he started kill people in village for organs and sell organs and one day an miltry man came to meet her grand mother and grand father in that village and he has no parents and they was been killed by somebody for their organs and at a night time his grand father has an heart attack and they took him to the doctor and he was happy becaues he got an new patient and he will kill them and check the grand father and he gave some medicens and the miltry man came to the doctors house and he gave him a shock and he saw many plans to sell organs and full blood and he was shocked and the miltray man came to ask the doctor if any problem to his grand father ....... but he has a twist he saw an murders room and the doctor has saw him and hit the miltry man with a metal pipe and he was unconcious and the doctor was packing his things and the miltry man got concious and he fought with him and tied him with a rope and he handover the docotor to the police ............................
life is a gift of god ...
dont waste it