

Sleepless Nights - Sexual Assualt
Dear Parents,

The day you are gifted with a baby girl,
Be ready to be protectors from the very next moment.

I am writing this article not for the boys to get offended nor to embarrass the girl but for the Justice that should be served for the girl. Explaining the Sexual Assualt, a real incident that happened during Lockdown in the life of a close friend of mine. There are thousands of such cases happening all over the world but Not many girls come out bravely to fight against it, and my heart goes out as I write every word that this person has felt and experienced through. Elaborating this so that it reaches people and never happens to any other girl again. Using random names as I want maintain privacy with respect to the real names. Wishing more Power and Strength to the victim.

It was Saturday night, Prerana received a text from her friend , a trusted brother Prathap
"Can we go out for Pub, it's been longtime since Lockdown we all have boozed. Let me check whether the bars are open" he texted.
She replied "Yes check and let me know, I need a drink too". She was bored at home, wanted some fun, also some drinks and was craving to get out of the house.
Reply came as "Bars are closed so let's get some drinks and party in my room, come over on Sunday with Srujan who was a mutual friend.
She was thinking that it's not a bad idea and soon after she started receiving continuous calls from Parasu who provoked everyone to say yes for the party.
Prerana agreed to the plan and asked them to fix the plan for Sunday and she would come with her sister Twinkle.

It was 12 PM on Sunday Prerana, Twinkle, Srujan all had reached Prathap's room. They had brought the drinks and ordered some food. Everyone started eating, loaded up, played and rested till 3 PM. Later all of them started to drink and fell asleep at 4 PM. Twinkle was fully stable, got a phone call she answered it and went out to talk, Prathap suggested her to talk and rest in the another room. Later he locked the door of that room and left. After sometime Prerana started puking in the bathroom as she was too high and had lost control over herself. There comes Prathap who was stable enough asking her what happened and holds her hands and made her to lie down in the hall to rest.

Prerana was half unconscious, unstable and weak. Suddenly Prathap started to lock her hands, lied down next to her and started smooching her. She tried to pull back her hands but was helpless and too weak to handle it. And then he started to put his hands inside her dress over her breasts. She tried hard to get back from him, but couldn't move an inch. Then he started to put his hands deep inside her vagina and Prerana couldn't tolerate all the pain she was going through, she shouted loud. All she knew was something was happening to her body and Prathap was doing something but no strength in her hands to even push him back.

Srujan who had sat in the same hall turned back to see what happened. Prathap gets up and walks out of the room like nothing happened. He opens the locked door of Twinkle. Suddenly Twinkle comes to the room, Srujan knew there was something going on. Rather than staying there he told he will go out for sometime and return back. For which Prathap forced him to go and come back after an hour.

Prathap says "Srujan, come near I will whisper into your ears why am telling you to go". Srujan replies "No need, I understood it ". Standing and listening to all this Twinkle pleads Srujan and suggests not to leave them alone. Prerana was still lying down in pain yet Srujan knowing everything didn't offer an helping hand to her. Twinkle seeing everything slaps Prerana's face, tries to awake her and somehow manages to ride vehicle and takes back her home.

Prerana being almost conscious goes to her bathroom immediately to pee and she started bleeding continuously like hell. She went blank, mad, wept and cried sitting there. Then came out ate her food and went back to sleep at 10 PM. Nobody knew what happened to her neither her Mother, Father, nor her sister Twinkle. The one who knew was Prerana's mind and body , completely broken, shattered and in pain.

Next day Srujan started calling Prerana to console her, asks her to eat and get back to normal, to be Bold. And Prathap texting her "I was not in my senses and I am sorry, I dont know what I did" . Prerana blocked Prathap and didnot reply for any of their calls or messages and was disturbed.

Last questions from my end??

Prathap you bloody Womenizer, why dont you go and masturbate as much as you can to take off your lust rather than cheating and using a helpless girl. You should be ashamed of yourselves for calling her a sister and committing such an unforgivable awful thing to her.

Srujan you Bastard, after knowing that Prathap was such an asshole why did you agree for the party and risk to take the girls to his room. After knowing what was happening and what had happened you didnot even care to help out the girls, slap that fucking Prathap and save the girls to escape from there. Instead you chose to leave the place alone. You should be ashamed of yourselves for supporting such an asshole.

You both are a shame for the HUMANITY
You both betrayed her Immense TRUST

Can you both erase the things what has happened? Can you alter the damage that you made to her mental and physical body? Can you take away her pains she had gone through?

Isn't this whole thing was planned by Prathap and Srujan taking advantage of the weakness of poor helpless girls. Now tell me what does these two boys deserve???