

He had never been so eager in his life. Nothing had ever made him shake like how he was at that very moment. He brought his palms together and laid his head at the back of his left. He felt scared, annoyed, sad and angry not at the world and its never ending cruelty, but with himself his incapability to be there for his wife when she needed him. No one in the hall bothered to ask him if he was alright for they all had there different shares of problems and his was no greater than the rest. The nurses ran from one side of the hall to the next. Room to room treating patients of all calliba.

The hospital was not one to be regarded to as a hospital but rather a wailing building. The land at which it was built on was waste land given by the government to prove its sincerity to the people whereby they built a pharmaceutical i help the people but ended up as a corruption centre. No medical drugs ever made its way there since the lap dogs of the mafia boss's always found a way to smuggle them out leaving patients wailing and crying for help to the very same government while others never lived to fight another day since they died due to lack of medical care.

The outside of the hospital was a dump... Literally a dump. Since it was built in a slum for sure it was not expected to be more prestigious than the other buildings in the area. Some had made their mobile houses around it since it offered shade and cover from scorching sunlight and heavy rain. Trash bags were great in numbers, with no proper method of waste disposal, trash had also become one with them. The inside compared to its counterpart was better, remove the faded dirty walls, stained brown tiles, overcrowding in the main hall, pungent smell of rotting flesh and noise of all manner then it would have been considered better.

Michael knew this place inside and out since he took part in the construction of it but never in his life did he think he would be in need of its services. Ofcourse beggars could never be choosers but he considered coming here made him less of a beggar and more of an overqualified ass licker. He never thought his wife would've come to give birth to his first child in this place but he had no other choice the next medical centre was 40 minutes away and his wife would've died from the labour pain had she not recieved immediate medical assistance. He doubted if the doctors around there knew what they were doing. He had a deep mistrust for this people since he lost a friend in this very centre. Reports came by quoting that a nurse administered an overdose to the patient. She had not given him his medication that morning and so she administerd to him twice the dosage at noon that day making his heart stop thirty minutes later.

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