

Not Usual Jealous story
She loved him. Maybe a bit more than he deserves. All she wanted was to be with him and ofcourse love and be loved by him.
He was the devil who tainted her in every way possible. He was a well know playboy.
But something in both of them bought them together. He couldn't let her go but he couldn't help being playboy.
Whenever they were together nothing mattered around each other. They always forgave each other for anything and everything.
She was in a very huge abyssis when he held her hand and pulled her out of it. Ever since then she never left his side nor did she ever took a glance at any men other than him.
He gave her everything she could ever ask for. But he also gave her things she never wanted to be familiar with. He took every right from her like she isn't a human who can have a mind or wish of her own. He manipulated her in every step of her life. In every decision she made. Actually she never made a decision for herself. It was always him or her parents who decided for her every step. The decision which her parents didn't make were always made by him. She is so broken that she forgot she even had a mind or wish of her own.
The only right he gave her to feel was love for him. She could express how much she loved him and nothing else. She wasn't even allowed to say she was jealous.
Everytime she expressed her concern for him and her unprotectiveness or jealousy for all the women around him , he would lock her up in his room and never see her in a week or sometimes two.
After he treated her in such a way for five to six times. She stopped telling him such things. After a point when she controlled her feelings so much that she stopped feeling it at all.
With that all other feelings for him slowly fade away. After three years of her toxic relationship the only feeling she could feel was love for him . She didn't like him at all . She didn't feel jealous or protective . She even lost the feeling of wanting to see him.
Slowly, she started creating distance from him. She would see him but didn't talk like before. She didn't even ask about his well being.
Initially it started with one or two day distance but he didn't even notice it until she would talk to him for two to three weeks or even a month.
Now he started paying attention to her but she didn't need it anymore and asked her boyfriend to breakup with her.
He tried all in his power to have her by his side but who can stop a girl from leaving once she decides to leave. That' s how they ended up.
So what I want to say is, Jealousy is a beautiful feeling unless your jealousy affects you or anyone. It it very necessary to feel jealous in a relationship. If you don't feel jealous then how would you know what and how much do you feel for your partner.
Please don't think that being jealous is very bad . Instead it's just the opposite. It is necessary to be jealous.
But remember not to hurt yourself or anyone just because of your jealousy.
If you are jealous over anything for your partner, then walk upto him/her and tell him/her. If they love you they will make shure you feel safe about your relationship with them.
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