

to my beloved teddy
This is a tree that holds a lot of emotional significance for me. It's the tree my best friend Omar would visit when he was upset. I once told him under this tree that I didn't want to be just friends because I loved him. I was jealous of a girl he'd been in love with for 14 years. This memorable tree is located in Cairo, Egypt.

poem for omar:

Beneath the branches of this sacred tree,
Where Omar found solace, just to be.
A friend to him, a sanctuary to me,
In the heart of Cairo, where the Nile runs free.

Beneath its leaves, words heavy with emotion,
A confession of love, deep as the ocean.
A jealousy stirred, a potent potion,
Under this tree, our lives set in motion.

For fourteen years, a girl held his heart,
Under this tree, I wished for a fresh start.
In the shade of its boughs, a love story to chart,
This tree in Cairo, where our paths did part.
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