

The Flawless Criminal Episode 1: The Clues
​ Dailia Point of View:

Dailia Cassini, a young newbie police officer was going to her office because her boss, Rufous had called her and her fellow newbie colleagues in a Beginner’s Talk.
She had been hiding her big secret from everyone. While practicing to be a professional cop, she had also been self-teaching herself to be an investigator.
This was going to be one her first practical training to be a cop.
She dashed in her office, seized the few paperworks (her identity card and a few case files from the past) and rushed in Rufous’s Corner, her boss’s meeting room.
Her colleagues were already writing and discussing, Rufous explaining about some underground gutters (it was written A Criminal’s go-to hideout as the heading). They had already started working.
“Am I late?” Dailia asked nervously, her Paranoia going off the roof.
“Not really,” said Rufous in a tone she recognised as his sarcastic tone.
“I apologize,” she mumbled so distinctively that it sounded like “Ill Polly jazz”.
“So,” Rufous resumed his explanation. He pointed at a drawing of a pond of disgusting sewer water and drew a small circle. “This one gutter at this location,” he wrote Hejpasz Wires and North-east, “has been used by uncountable criminals. Take Darren Jihaj as an example... And Crestic who still refuses to tell his true identity and name, and how can we forget about the brutal flower-plucker, Elijah Reeses? He hid all of the flowers in this,” he drew a small cube beside the pond shore and a long ladder with many side turns leading to a rectangular cabin, “Elijah was a headache for the cops. Took almost a year to catch him. Not to mention we had to search with a group of four-hundred-eighty-four cops all over the city to find this cabin.
“Anyway, we’re not talking about Elijah, he’s rotting in Prison. So what you need to be a cop is brains. Of course, brawns are helpful but they can only get you so far. You will still need brains. Let’s move to another subject. Talk about a smooth criminal... A Flawless Criminal,” he drew a man and wrote A Flawless Criminal, “First of all, a flawless criminal leaves no proof. Not – A – Single – Proof,” he said the last four words with a smack on the table for each word and continued, “And no proof means even more hardwork, and of cours, brains.
“You may ask, what brains is old Rufous talking about?”
All of the students nodded.
“I expected that. Because, we have a very good way to test your knowledge,” he sneered, smirking, “We have created some very difficult cases – maybe not as difficult as the real cases – and you all will be divided into groups, like what happens in reality when cops need to solve a case. See, being a cop is no less than being an investigator. It’s just that investigators rely solely on their brains while cops are more vulnerable and need to use weapons and fight.
“So back to the game, you all will be given a case and you need to solve it in a few days’ time, five days to be exact. I will need the solution and the imaginary criminal defeated by Saturday. A simple Google search will get you nothing if not slow down you in your journey to the solution. These cases are not copied-and-pasted from a Kids’ Riddle Website. You all will be given fair and equal equipments and obstacles: Real life cases’ case files, all the information you’d have on paper, blue-and-red cops outfit to get you motivated, and a few dummies to shoot when you do visit the place you need to. And remember there are many obstacles when you find out the hideout of the imaginary criminal. I bet it’s gonna be just as fun for you as it will for me.
All the students nodded and said, “Yes,” “Yeah,” “Of course,” and “I’m always ready,” but Dailia’s remark the oddest. She had said, “VERY!” which made many students turn their head to her.
“I-I meant I’m very ready. Like all prepared and all, you know. Hehe...” she said nervously. Many students chuckled.
“Follow me, fellows,” Rufous announced and the students followed him out the door. They crowded into an elevator and went to the basement floor. The basement floor’s walls, ceiling and floor was made all of dark wood. There were many barrels and cardboard boxes stacked on one another. A cupboard was standing at the far end of the room leaning against the wall, just below a television-size window. But Dailia soon came to realize the window was not a window, but a showcase. It was a big rectangular cabinet with many ancient pieces. There were statues of Egyptians, flowers, Rubik’s Cubes, golden cups, Diamond jewelries, toy figures of politicians and celebrities, tropies, a toy cradle tied with a pink bow, very old parchments, pencils, gold coins the size of a human head and a broken piggy bank.
“Whoa,” Dailia said involuntarily. “That showcase is just... Beautiful.”
And they were all given their equipments from the barrels and cardboard boxes.

Crestic Point of View (Graphic Warning):

Don’t look back, Don’t look back, Crestic commanded his nerves, Don’t look back or you will be caught. Don’t. Look. Back.
He was running as fast as he could from the dark prison he has been confined in for years. He was finally free... By giving a sacrifice of his left foot. His left foot was entirely ripped out of his left leg, blood pouring out endlessly, his gray ill bones and rubbery yellow-and-red muscles visible. The streets were crowded with people, so crowded that nobody seemed to notice this footless bloody youth.
Crestic was trying his hardest to not burst into tears in front of the crowd, instead he just moaned things like, “oh no... Damn that guard. I hate this world...”
He sobbed, his lips thin and eyes puffy and limped as fast as he could and hid in an alleyway.

Comment for part 2

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So, that was the first part! Comment down below what I can do to improve and what you liked (and disliked, don’t worry, I like constructive criticism) about my writing!
#crime #criminal #mystery #thriller #mysterious
© Arshi