

It All Starts With A Dream(continued..)
Once her teacher asked after school,“Hema,Will you come with me.?”
After that they were found in a park..
Her teacher then said,“Look up there! that nest, it's empty now.You know the amazing thing about it,once there was bird with her hard work she made that nest and layed eggs there.Daily she used to sit on them and protect them.After sometime little baby birds came out of it.The bird used to protect them feed them and then taught them to fly.”
“Then!?”Hema asked.
“Then the bird and her children both left this nest.The bird went her own way and her children must be flying somewhere else.Now they'll never come back to meet each other in this same nest.”teacher replied.
“It is a natural phenomena. Sometimes we have to leave things, memories and loved ones behind,for them to fly and for us to fly.”she added.
Hema sat in a bench and started crying,“But it's so difficult.I can't live without my mom.I just can't.”
“I want to become your mom.I too lost my daughter years ago.Now I want you to be my daughter.I will help you to fly.”the teacher said.
The teacher adopted Hema and kept her like her own daughter.
Hema too remembered her promise to Aana of becoming a doctor.Days were hard but because of her teachers love and support,she never lost hope.
After several years of working finally,she now say that,‘I am your Doctor.Trust me.’
She was thinking of real her mom today and thanking God for everything he had done these years and the way God gave her teacher to teach her to fly.
© Beauty writes