

There's Someone Under My Bed
The night, I heard that noise I know there was someone under my bed.I couldn't move out of my bed that night only when my mum came to wake me up to go school I got up and screamed there's someone under my bed, maybe a Munster or a demon king how wants to eat me live.
"Laughing"said mum stop making excuses to not go school, pack your bag and get ready ...(mummy left)
I knew mum's not ganna believe so I was not that shocked, I struggled myself out of the bed. I tip toe my way out of the bed I show a clear single that not one is under the bed I knew it Munsters only stay until night and go alway at morning.
At school I told my friends what happened with me I couldn't believe that the same thing happened to them too few days before, they said they have heard a lot of things about "paranormal activities " at 3:00 it's the most haunted time of the day. another of my friend added did you guys heard about the dead about the creepy old man to deaded recently in our neighborhood legends say that the creepy old man used to do some rituals to bring his cancer diagnosed wife who was dead 7years ago. I was left disbeliefed and more scared then befor as I came back to home I said to mummy I will not sleep at my bed there's a gost of a creepy man who is dead all time ago, mum stop talking and was shocked of me saying all this she asked where did you here all this from?