

I walked into the room with the hope of connecting some good vibes but as usual I ended up finding myself in isolation with no happiness around me. I asked myself, "what has changed now"? There was a time, when I was keen to stay alone.
This question took myself at unknown and unpredictable places and there millions of people were strolling to and fro and I was pushed by some forces, I didn't know what was happening with me, and suddenly everyone started disappearing that gave me a mini heart attack and in a second there was no one to talk.
I looked at the sky and heard some sound coming from behind, I looked behind and I was extremely shocked to see exact copy of mine, Out of curiosity, I asked, "Who are you"? He replied, I am soul of yours, I have to come and took you here to tell you.
He began breaking the ice and asked to me, " why are you not happy, this is something which you wanted to have for long time, ain't it". I said "no, I never wanted that, I wanted to give time to myself to enrich my skill", He replied " you have time to upgrade your skill, what happened now". I was answer less, I was in the dark to answer it. He said, " In the name of time, you procrastinated alot even on the pretext of learning new skills, you wasted your time while watching movies and hanging out". Then he said something which forced me to think again while stating anything, His words was, "Things come in a square shape when you open them you find them in a circle but when you pick them you find them in a triangle", Everything in the world is based on these lines, bet it love, lust, loyalty and loveones,
These line made my life and brought me here. ❤️❤️❤️