


Sister: If you could choose any of the animal to stay with you, which animal would you choose?

Eidan: Animal to stay with me?

Sister: Yes. You can only choose one.

Eidan: I would choose swan.

Sister: Swan? Why swan? Why not peacock? They are beautiful creature compare to swan.

Eidan: Because swan is loyal. When their partner died, they will stay alone and not finding their replacement. They may not seem as beautiful as peacock, but they are not as arrogant as they are. They are low profile. Down to earth. And their appearance always give a perfect view on the lake either they are sad or with their partner. They are matured but only certain people has the ability to approach them. To make it simple, swan is the best choice.

Sister: Aww Eidan. That was beautiful and if swan are loyal to you, are sure that you can be loyal to them?

Eidan: My loyalty has been betrayed by the person I love. And yet... nothing could change that. Maybe I can't keep swan at home, but at least I can always view the swan that I love at this lake everyday.

Sister: Is that what you call love?

Eidan: Sometimes, if you love something or someone... it is not always about to keep them. But let them go. If they love you the you love them, they will make their own way to find you. And sometimes, if you keep something or someone that you love, it doesn't mean that they will always love you. Sometimes, you can't keep something or someone who doesn't want to be kept. And it will end up with hurts or betrayal.
© Yang Adil