

I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand.

Out of panic, I threw the knife away, but that wouldn't change anything. The police were already here. The lights were almost blinding my eyes. I had nothing to say as I was being handcuffed, only then did I notice that there was a man laying beside me in a pool of blood

"I didn't do it" was all I could mutter before drifting into unconsciousness again


I woke up in a dark room at the police station waiting to be questioned... Then I started reminiscing what happened earlier

Three hours ago...

I had just gotten the box of pizza I ordered for when I got a call from Maria, my girlfriend asking me for help... Asking where she was... I quickly took my bike to the location she sent. On getting to the underground house. I parked my bike at a corner and tried to walk in. Although, I was afraid. I still walked in with the mindset of saving my girlfriend. Whilst I was walking, I felt something hit me hard on my head and I fàinted...


"What have I done ? Why would someone set me up ? Is my girlfriend part of them? What is wrong?" I kept thinking until a burly , muscular officer came in to question me... I nearly peed my pants...

"So, tell me , why did you kill the minister?" the officer asked me

"I didn't kill him ..." I said and explained all what happened to him.

"And do you think I would believe that?" He said obviously not buying my words.

I had nothing else to say but to resign to my fate. He was going to continue the questioning when another officer came in and showed him a video. At some part, the officer looked at me with a gentle expression. I looked on expectantly,hoping to see what would come out of this .

While they were done with the video.

The burly officer faced me and said "You're so lucky to have a sharp girlfriend. Else you would have suffered for something you know nothing about."

He walked out with the other officer, but I was confused...
I later understood what he said when I got released and saw my girlfriend writing a statement . ..

The real culprit has been caught...
He wanted to taint my image because the minister was going to give me the position he thought he deserved...

I wonder if I could still get that position now that the minister is dead.
But nevermind, I didn't get executed for something I'm innocent about... Thanks to my girlfriend...

I walked out of the station hand in hand with Maria
Looking at her sunny face, I still couldn't help but think she was part of the whole idea ...

© Serpent Lady