

My Werewolf Boyfriend
Hi... My name is Christina Wilson . I'm 23 years old. I work at a cafe in the town. I live at in a wooden cabin in the woods in the US with my boyfriend, Hugo Clive.

-Hugo POV-

Hi... I'm Hugo. I'm 24 years old. I work as a writer. As you all already know, I live with my girlfriend, Christina. We actually know each other since we were a child, so basically we grew up together. We do so much things together. We also share everything with each other even our secrets but there's something that I keep from her.

~Time Skip~

It's night and it's raining heavily right now. I'm walking alone in the woods to my cabin. On my way there, I heard a howl and I started to feel a bit scared so I walked faster to my cabin.

Suddenly I heard another howl and it's heard from behind. I turn my head around and I saw... A big furious wolf looking at me with its blue eyes that have a big scar on the left eye.

Not wasting any time, I run as fast as I could. Without knowing it, I tripped on a rock and fell on the ground. The wolf is getting closer and closer to me.

I'm so scared that I close my eyes from seeing anything that will happen to me.

After a few minutes, I realised that the wolf haven't hurt me yet so I open my eyes to see what's happening, to my surprise the wolf that's chasing me were in a fight with another wolf.

I froze at my place by scene that's happening right in front of my eyes. The wolf with blue eyes and scar keep getting hits from the other wolf. I can see that the blue eyes wolf already tired.

The blue eyes wolf finally give up and run away from there and left the other wolf there. The wolf turn to look at me with its fire red eyes. I got scared just by looking at it.

Without wasting any more time, I got up and run as fast as I could. When I reach my cabin, I quickly got inside and look every window and doors there. I clean my mind up and wash up myself to get ready for bed.

To Be Continued....