

...Hmm..., night. Looking at the shining stars one cool night then I saw a shooting star, Thomas called; he wanted me to meet him at the cemetery few miles away from my apartment. I wonder what he was up to so I picked my car key and drive to the cemetery. Thomas was putting on a black hood behind where three guys I can't recognize from far so I walked closer to get a better view it was Janet, Jude, and Mary. I was surprised and puzzled; Janet and Jude were holding a shovel, Thomas gave me a lamp and asked me to follow them but they refused to tell me what they were up to. It was not funny as we move further it began to get colder Mary noticed that I was cold she gave me a sweater from her back pack to keep me warm. Suddenly Jude whispered "stop" we all stopped but we saw nothing Thomas asked Jude why he had ask us to stop before he could answer everything goes completely dark. I opened my eyes just to find out that I am in the hospital and a cop sitting beside me.
The end

© Walemond Notion