

This world is not easy, living is not easy.
It has never been and it will never be. No one will come to you and say, "I got this. I'll solve your problems". You have to do it yourself. Use the time you have on this planet sensibly, don't waste it. Make experiences, memories and mistakes. Fall seven times, stand up eight. And if you get to a point where you feel your life is going into the wrong direction, stop. Take a deep breath in. Put your hair up in a bun, drink some coffee and handle it. Your best teacher is your last mistake and remember that storms don't last forever. You have the power to change your live, make a difference, reinvent yourself, improve yourself. 365 new days, 365 new chances.

All that matters is that you are happy because happy girls are the prettiest. Travel as much as you can, fall in love, be humble and don't take the happy moments for granted. Do more of what makes you happy, be brave, believe in yourself. You only have this one life. Do what feels good, do more of it. Don't stop until you're satisfied and you...