

There lives a happy family. Husband, wife , and a four years old toddler . One day husband became jobles. he started to be drunk , all the time , his wife became so worried , and his wife keep advise him not to drink
but he started to show his anger on his wife, few day when by
husband got the job and he was in joy and happy then one of his friend invited him for party
so he when back and get ready for the party , he never even care about his family at all , he didn't even talk to his wife or his child ,
he when to his friends party , having a dance , drink , and games he enjoy his day ,
After the drink , he when back drunk , he even can't walk properly he took lift and go to his condominium house , he knock the door
his wife open the door for him , she didn't talk that much she went to kitchen to make milk for her baby
husband sitting at the sofa and suddenly he heard a sound of broke
he turn around and saw his child broke his favorite vase
he was so wild anger he scold and hit the child and he carry the child and throw the child from out of condominium
the mother saw and scream and hit the husband
husband choke the wife and carry her and throw her from condominium
he kill his wife and his own child
after that he went back to sofa and back to sleep
he wake up and heard a knock door sound he opens the door he was totally in shock to see police in front of him
police start to investigate him and he was total guilty . police arrests him
he was in put to life sentence in jail.
few days went, one day he was sleeping he heard a crying voice baby and a women voice screaming in pain
he open him eyes slowly , he was total frozen he even can't move at all because he saw his wife full of blood in the face the head broke in half and baby he can't see only can hear his cry on his own ear he close his ear and he scream for help
no body can't hear his screaming .
his wife choke him and bang his head so many time and start to hang him by choking him
I saw his eyes open with full of blood
my scary dream