

Scared Ties

Chapter Two

Perfect he's light skinned, brown hair, bossy, athletic, with a great sense of humor the son of her father's business partner and her husband to be, right from highschool he'd had always been her crush though they didn't start well as first he always finding a way to get her pissed, she dragging position with her in class and then in church he'd gossip her to his friend Marvin's the fellow was quite obscured she thought and then they we're put in the same department.

“Hmm sir please can't I join another department, I really don't wanna work with her ”

“I also don't wanna work with him”

“I'm sorry but the both of you have to work together!” their master said not sounding sorry at all though working together the two stars developing feelings for each other as Perfect became jealousy and furious with Marvin's anytime he tries to make a catch on Elsa, his friend Marvin's is a flirt, a pretender and a sex worker he has slept with almost all the young girls in church and even the elderly too, some even pay him for it and seeing him make a move on Elsa drives him mad, yes she's smart but with Marvin's athletic body he's scared she might fall.

“I thought you said you don't like her”

“Now I do, so go fuck another, else you'll hate me”

“P! Are you threatening me”

“This is not a threat Mal. It's a warning stay away from Elsa”.

“You know your becoming obsessed” Jim had told her severely,

“I'm not”

“Yes, you are”

“I'm in love with him”

“No your not, you're obsessed with him”

“I'm not”

“Yes you are, you're hitting him with random calls, monitoring his whereabouts”

“That's a lie”

“You going to the gym regularly just to watch him”

“I go there cause of you”

“Cut the act Elsa I work out at home, and here you are thinking of what to get him for his birthday,a birthday you weren't even invited...”

“OK Jim, that's enough, he gave me a card”

“Meanwhile he forgot yours”

“You forgot as well and your my best friend”


“Jim that's enough”

“Yes Elsa, that's enough you have to stop this thought of you and him or your gonna get hurt and I don't want you getting hurt so accept the fact that you both aren't gonna end up together ”

“Have heard enough of his nonsense” she thought plugging in her earpiece she increased the volume.

© Mr Black