

The lost hybrid princess part:9
I woke up from my annoying alarm..
I turned it off and checked the time..
it was 6:15 right now..
I was going to sleep again when I remembered we have to go monster school from today..
I jumped out of my bed and played some soft music on my phone while showering..
I washed my hair,did a facial mask,did my lipbalm and liner and did a high pony as usual..
I wore a crop top with shorts and smiled at my reflection in the mirror..
I stopped the music and and put my phone is my pocket with some money and got to living room..
I saw ryunjin unnie cooking breakfast while jisoo unnie was on her phone..
she was wearing a black tang top with shorts with her hair open while ryunjin unnie was wearing a red off shoulder top with some black high waist jeans and a messy bun
as they looked at me they smiled and gestured me to sit..
I sat down and looked towards jisoo unnie' s phone..
she was scrolling through her instagram..
I put my head under her arm on her chest while she patted my head 2 times and we both were on her phone..
ryunjin- breakfast's ready..
I got away from her and she stand up as well as me..
we both sat on the dining table and started eating the fruit salad and the mix fruit smoothie unnie made..
y/n- Its delicious!
ryu- thanks baby..
jisoo- so.. should we leave? like we can get there in 1 minute by our running powers...we still have 20 mins beofre school startes..
y/n- um.. let's just go quickly? maybe we will be able to make some new friends or we can roam in school and look through it?
ryunjin- ok as you say..
we left our house after putting blodd bags in our bag and an emergency pad for hygiene..
we got to the jungle with our powers and went in the old shack..
We saw it was broken from inside then I jisoo unnie opened her phone and checked the website..
jisoo- we have to say.."black door from hell and white door from hevean, please combine and let us in"
As she said that the floor started shaking and a portal type thing opened in the ground..
we all jumped in there and as we reached..
we saw a big castle type place and the sky was all cloudy..
then we saw an old lady coming towards us..
as she came towards us she started checking us out deeply..
after a check-up of our clothes she suddenly blowed some type of black powder on us and then vanished away before we could process..
we saw so many students going inside the school while some of them were flying too and had different eyes..
oh to tell..my sisters had their eyes so as me as we can't tell anyone I'm the last hybrid..
we got inside the school and got to principal's office to take our schedule..
we knocked and a voice said us to come in..
as we got inside the door closed on it's own and principal likes up from his paperwork he was doing..
??- yes? how can I help you?
y/n- um..good morning sir we are new here so we wanted to as-
??- you guys are vampires?.
he asked raising his eybrow at me
ryunjin- yes sir and we are sisters..
??-hm... this is your 1 week schedhule after that just follow the time table..
jisoo- sir what's can we call u?
??- mr.kwang..
we nodded and left from there..