

Hi I am KAKO RITSUKA . I am a senior school girl in MOARIUM HIGH SCHOOL in SANGHAI . I am very unlucky from the day I was born . When I was born my grand mother passed away from heartattack and when I reached at 10 my brother broke his both legs and now when i am in senior high my friend OH HANI broke up with her boyfriend because of me writing and apology letter to him in place of HANI-YA . I due to my bad luck don't have any friends with me , the only was HANI but after her break up she left me also . So now I am totally alone .
I used to get bullied by every student in the class and in my home by my step mother . My mother died when I was only 6 months old and my father married my step mother . She only love her child , my brother MIN HO . And always treat me like a worker .
As I had spent my life's 18 years in aloneness I expect that in future it will be the same . I don't have a boyfriend , a mother , a friend , a brother and also a crush .
But I am a secret lover. Its funny no. I liked a boy from my batch of class B. His name is LEE MIN SUK. He is very tall, handsome, sexy and talented and also school topper .
My story was like this , during an examination he was sitting beside me and I was not writing the answers because I don't know any as I was not prepared for it because I was doing my brother's assignment. So he asked me why I was not writing i told him my reason so he handed me his assignment sheet and took mine for writing answers. Then he submitted the answer sheet after completing it and I just thanked him and told him he can tell me anything he wanted me to do for him. But he just smiled and ruffled my hair and this made me blushed.
He always wears black coloured dress and looked very pale, like he was always having a cold. But I can't talk to him as I was always being dominated by the students and it will hamper his reputation.
One day my homeroom teacher called me to the staff room and told me that my academic performance is very bad and when I was being scolded he appeared right infront of me and submitted his report card and then the twist came and the unwanted thing happend i.e my teacher told me to do classes with him for my improvement as i knew that he was going to denny it but I was wrong, he accepted it and from here my life was going to change.
He told me to shift to his house and I was in deep shock. But I told him about my family. Then he gave me a smile and ruffled my hairs and left silently. In the evening when I left for home I didn't see him. But when I reached home he was there and is talking with my mother then my mother told me to go and pack my stuffs for going to his home. It was my deepest shock I had ever. Then I left my home with him and headed to his home with him in his big black car.
We went out of the city into the deep forest in the out skirts of the city. I asked him where we are going , suddenly he came very close to my face and it made me nervous and my lips were shivering and hands were shaking , then he told me to have patience and gave me a smile and moved back to his place . Then after sometimes he hold my hands and I just looked at him in shyness then we reached his mansion. It is so big that I can't stop admiring it. When we entered the gate a maid was there to receive us.
Then when I entered the house a strong wind flowed around me and I was afraid but MIN SUK KUN hold my hand and it stopped and I was relaxed. I then followed the maid to show me my room and she took me to the top floor of the mansion and stopped in front of a large door and told me to go inside and that my luggage is already inside and when I entered it i soon realised that it was min-suk kun's room and when I turned around to say something to the maid but there was no one there and I was afraid and when I looked infront of me kun was standing there it startled me and I was going to trip but kun hold me and pulled me towards him and hugged me and said me not to worry as he is with me and as I listened it a few drops of tears flowed down from my eyes and I hold him tightly. Then he kissed me on my forhead and ruffled my hais and told me to fresh up and come down stairs for doing dinner and told me that i will stay in his room with him as his parents room is locked up after their death and the gest room is turned into a store room. Then he left me and went downstairs and I went to freshen up and as I came out I saw a beautiful dress lyind on my bed and a letter was there saying "wear it and come down for dinner –BY Min-Suk" seeing it I can't stop blushing and suddenly I saw there is a change in the room i.e there are 2 beds and the room has sented candels and fresh flowers and the dresser has a lots of beautiful dressed and the dressing table has a lots of make-up things and it made me very much happy. I got ready quickly and went down stairs and saw tha kun was waiting near the down steps and received me from there and lead me to the dinning table there he pulled me out the seat and then went to the other end of the table and sat there the he clapped once and the staffs came out by hlding the dinner items. I was supprised to see a lot of food and started crying then kun made them all go and came to me and asked me why I was crying? I tld him that till today nobody have treated me so well as he did and it made me so much happy that I can't help crying. Then he hold me softly and told me that from now on I am a princess and to be happy as I deserve it. Then lean forward and kissed me on my lips and told me that he always will stay with me and I kissed him back and he smiled at me and then after completing our sweet dinner we went to our room and changed our dresses.
When I was going to sit on the study table he stopped me and told me to start our time table from tomorrow and dragged me to my bed and told me to go to sleep and kissed me on my forehead and turned off the bed light and went to his bed for sleeping. After 1 hour I realised that I can't sleep and then I came down my bed and slept on the ground in between our beds and when I was quite asleep I realised that somebody was sleping beside me and when I opened my eyes I saw that I was sleeping on kun's bed and on his hand I was shocked and when I tried to get up slowly he pulled me back and made me sleep on him and asked where I was going? And before telling anything he tossed me on the bed and came upon me and told me from now on I should practice sleeping on the bed than on ground and I came to know that he thats why made me sleep on his bed near him as I was in my deep thoughts I felt his soft lips against my and then he slept beside me holding my hand and I felt happy and even don't know when I was fast asleep.
In the morning when I woke up I saw a letter lying on the table saying "GOOD MORNING MY DEAR COME FOR BREAKFAST I'LL BE WAITING FOR YOU". While reading it I was smiling so much that I can't imagine and then i quickly washed up and wear my uniform which was a new one and dressed up and went down steps and seeing kun I gave him a wide smile and he smiled back and after doing breakfast we headed toward school but before a few distance I told him to stop the car and let me out . He asked me why and I told him that due to my bad reputation everybody will think bad about him. He just smiled and said nothing will happen and to go school with him.
As we entered the campus everybody was shocked to see me with him and as the car stopped kun told me to sit until he opened the door for me and I followed his words and seeing this everyone was surprised.
But kun smiled at me and told me to hold his hand and follow him and I followed him .Then at the lunch break he came to me and told me to join him for lunch and my follow classmates were so surprised that there was a pin dropping silence .After the school I asked Kun to drop me infront of the convenience store where I was a part time worker but he denied and told me not to do any work from now on and lean forward near my face and told me that now I was his girl and to behave like a princess not as a normal person .Then he kissed me on my forhead .As we arrived at the mansion he told me to go and freshen up and then to go to his room for studing . After 30 mins I went to his room which was having a dim light and a erotic smell .As I entered the room I got a little sleepy but suddenly a hand grabed me around my neck and someone whispered in my ears thet he want to suck my blood and kill me .I was so frightened that I shouted for help but suddenly I became unconscious .When I opened my eyes I saw kun was holding my hand and I was on bed and was having a infusion .As I called kun he told me not to be afraid and take rest and that he has reported the person to the police .I was crying and smilling and told him sorry but he smilled back at me and told me not to worry because he was with me and he will never leave me alone . He then kissed me on my lips and told me that he loved me and will never again allow anyone to hurt me .Next day he wake me up and took me to the washroom and helped me in getting fresh and took me to for the breakfast and he feed me by himself .Then he told me to take rest and that he is staying with me at home , when I asked him about school he told me that he had already taken a leave for me and not to worry .He smilled and ruffled my hair as he always do and kissed me on my forhead .
Then at night kun told me he had a problem to take care of and told me not to leave my bed and that he will come right back .After sometimes I heard a voice calling my name and telling me to give him my blood, I screamed and the servants came inside and told me not to worry .After sometimes kun came and saw me shivering and having a high fever .He called the doctor and hold me tightly as I was crying in pain and was afraid .
When I asked Kun so what does it has to do with me? He looked at me in an intense look in his eyes and told me that he had loved me for the first time he had seen me in my neighbourhood half a year ago.
During our winter break when I used to run errands for my mother, he had once came to our shop for buying something and was mesmerised by the look mine while working and fell in love at first sight .He said that it was insane to accept but he was in love with me but he ignored it cause he was a vampire and I was a human .But as love has no shape and size it even doesn't have any difference in any kind . He always followed me everywhere where I went but didn't let anyone know .And then he transferred to our school for me while it was hard for him to do as he can't come out in the sun .He said when the teacher told him to teach me he was very happy and then when he told for studying together he knew about my family condition so he visited my home and convinced my mother and gave her some money for helping. He thought that nobody will have any issue if i stayed in his villa but the association had found out about me so they want to kill me.
After listen to what Kun said I confessed him that I also have loved him since a long time ago but didn't confessed coz he was the one whom everyone admire and I was the one whom everyone hated and always bully , so I didn't dare to say it coz it will harm his reputation. After listening my confession Kun grabbed me tightly and said me "I LOVE YOU" and I replied saying "I LOVE YOU TOO KUN" and then he kissed me on my lips and at that time I felt that this was a dream but kun replied me saying it's the truth and I suddenly backed off coz that was my thought but how did kun knew it . He started smiling and began to laugh louder and told me that as he is a vampire he has the ability to read peoples mind.
Then I suddenly realised that did he knew about my weird thoughts about him and he started laughing more I began to blush and said that it's bad to read peoples mind without their concern and covered my face with the blanket out of embarrassment. Then kun came to me and removed the blanket and told me that he loves me and don't want to lose me so he want me to stay away from him but I told him that I will be like a dead if he left me, and asked him to be with him cause with him I am a little alive and want to live for someone who loves me.
We both hold each other in each-other's arm and looked at the moon and had a peaceful night.
In the morning when I woke up I saw kun was sitting there looking at my face and I blushed and then kun said good morning and kissed me on my forehead and then he kissed me on my lips and we were immersed in each other and then he said that I taste so sweet and we both held each other.
After breakfast he told me to spend the day together with him and told me that he had taken a leave from school for both of us for 2 days and want to spend this 2 days with me and asked me to get ready for going out and when I came downstairs wearing my dress he said to go and change it to the one he bought for me. After I changed into it I went down and asked kun how was I looking kun was speechless and then smiled at me and said that look yourself in the mirror and when I saw myself in the mirror I was shocked that I was looking so much beautiful I can't believe it. I was so happy that I hugged him unconsciously and he hugged me back.
We then went to a water park and had a lot of fun there and then went to an amusement park and then we went on the giant wheel and was viewing the night scenery of the city and then suddenly Kun pulled me towards him and kissed me and told me that it was a myth that those who kiss on the top of the wheel will be together forever.
After we went home Kun carried me to the room and tossed me on the bed and came on top of me and kissed me and then slowly we began to be one from two. After that he kissed me on my forehead and held me in his arms and we slept the night under the moonlight.
The next morning, with the rising sun we had problems waiting for us; the vampire association members were waiting for us to come downstairs. I was petrified to face them but Kun held me and asked me to trust him and we went downstairs. They greeted us and asked us to have a seat for discussion. They told us that they wanted us to forget each other and to stay away from each other or else they will kill me. When Kun said them that he will not leave me and will fight for me I became delighted listening it and broke down on them saying that I am willing to bear the consequences even if it will lead me to death but will not be apart from him.
After listening to me they were shocked and left us both without a word but we knew that the war against us is about to begin. When I asked Kun if he is willing to marry me he was delighted and asked all the maids and servants to prepare a wedding for us and asked them to invite my family, Kun's family and even our friends for it. After that we went to try our wedding dress but while I was about to try my dress I felt something weird and as I tried to look around I became unconscious.
When I opened my eyes I was not in the trial room but was in an old castle, black, smelly. When I tried to get up from the ground I felt chains tied to my legs and hands. I tried to ask for help but only my own voice come back to me. I tried to find a way out but failed. After a while I heard some footstep and tried to call them for help but when I saw them I realised that they were the one who came to Kun house for discussion. As they came close to me they told me that they had kidnapped me from the trail room and brought me to this castle where nobody can find me even Kun also. They told me to do whatever I need to do to get away but it will be a fail.
Time passed by and the next day arrived, they came to me saying that Kun can't find me and I will die here. Then they left me in that cage with food and water. I started believing that Kun can't find me and I can't see him before I die, before I realized tears started rolling down my cheeks. I didn't realize when I fell asleep crying, I was drowned in a dream. In it I saw the sweet time that I spend with Kun at his house and at the amusement park, I saw him smiling at me like I was the one gift he is asking for from God, seeing him in the dream I cried again.
When I opened my eyes I saw that someone is holding me in his arms and a beam of light touched my face and as I suffered to see who it was, I realized it was Kun and I hugged him back screaming "I MISSED YOU KUN" and he hold me tightly replying "sorry I was a little bit late, please forgive me" and on our way home Kun explained me everything what happened in the trail room.
He said that someone was looking for him and as he went out of the room to attain the person, the assassins kidnapped me and ran away and as he returned to check on me I was gone and there he felt the scent of the vampire who kidnapped me and went to look for me but when he reached near him he was dead but as kun searched his house he found out about the involvement of the association and as he went to the association they denied that they didn't know anything about me. And then Kun followed one of the man who came to visit us before, he hypnotized him and after asking my location killed him and when he reached here there were two people guarding the castle and after killing them he came to me and found me sleeping and didn't want to disturb me so he waited for my waking. And then as he carried me back I woke up.
Listening to all this I hugged him and told him that I love him and will never leave him and he smiled at me and ruffled my hairs replying that he also loved me and will always be there with me till the end.
.......... CONTINUING